s. different, various, diverse; ~ fikirlər various / different thoughts; ~ maraqlar diverse interests
i. pipe-shaped sandwich made by rolling thin baked bread usually with cheese
f. 1. to roll in (d.); 2. (paltarın ətəyini) to tuck (d.)
f. 1. to be* rolled (in); 2. (paltar) to be* tucked
i. pearl(s); ◊ ağzından ~ tökmək to speak eloquently and wisely
i. 1. poke, jab, hit; 2. bax dümsək
f. 1. to poke (d.), to thrust* (d.), to slip (d.), to push in (d.); bir şeyi cibinə ~ to thrust* / to slip / to tuck smth
f. 1. bax dümsükləmək; 2. bax dürtmək (1-ci mənada)
f. bax dümsüklənmək
f. bax dümsükləşmək
f. bax dümsüklətmək
f. 1. to be* poked / thrust / pushed; 2. (soxulmaq) to plunge into, to elbow one’s way; camaatın arasına ~ to plunge into the crowd
f. to stuff (d. into) / to shove (d. into) carelessly and hastily
f. to be* stuffed (into) / shoved (into) carelessly and roughly
f. to plunge all together
I. s. correct, right, true, exact, precise; yeganə ~ yol the only true way; ~ cavab correct answer; sözlərin ~ işlədilməsi right use of words; ~ ünvan
f. to be* defined more exactly / precisely, to be* made more exact / precise
f. specifying, making more exact / precise
f. to specify (d.), to make* more exact / precise (d.), to define more exactly / precisely, to introduce clarity; müqavilənin hər bir bəndini ~ to spe
f. to become* more precise / exact
i. correctness, precision, exactness, accuracy; tərcümənin dürüstlüyü correctness / accuracy of a translation; seçilmiş yolun düzlüyü correctness of t
i. formula (pl. -las, -lae); ~ vasitəsilə ifadə etmək to express (d.) by a formula, to formulate (d.)
f. to be* formulated
f. to formulate (d.)
i. dushbara (Azerbaijani dumplings)
i. snack-bar serving dushbara
i. (ət) boneless meat fit for dushbara
i. camp; (avtomobil üçün) parking; ~ salmaq to pitch a camp; ~də yaşamaq to camp out; yay ~si summer camp; ölüm ~si death camp; hərbi ~ army camp; hər
s. useful, helpful; health-giving, good* (for)
I. i. a person having weakness (for), greedy (of, for); lover; təbiət ~ü naturelover, a lover of nature; pul ~ü greedy for money; arvad ~ü ladies’ man
f. 1. to grow* old and feeble; 2. to get* / to become* depressed; 3. to have* weakness (for) / greedy (of, for)
i. 1. depression, apathy; d.d. blues pl.; ~dən əziyyət çəkmək to suffer from the blues; 2. (hərislik) passion (for), greediness (for); 3
fi. fall(ing), drop(ping); slump; qiymətlərin ~si slump in prices; elektrik gərginliyinin ~si voltage drop; almanın ağacdan ~si the fall of an apple f
f. 1. (həm müst., həm də məc.) to fall*; to alight, to drop; arxası / dalı üstə ~ to fall* on one’s back; qatardan ~ to alight from the train, to get*
I. i. enemy; şair. foe; qatı ~ bitter enemy II. s. enemy (attr.), enemy’s, hostile; ~ gəmisi enemy ship
z. with enmity / animosity
I. i. hostility, enmity, animosity II. s.: ~ hissləri feelings of hostility
f. to stay for a long time / period; dayısıgildə ~ to stay at one’s uncle’s for a long time
s. 1. prematurely born, premature; ~ uşaq prematurely born child; 2. downcast*; ~ çiyin downcast shoulder; 3
i. 1. the state of being downcast; 2. ineptness; the character of one who talks not to the point / ineptly
i. sense, thought, meditation; sağlam ~nin əleyhinə contrary to common sense; ~yə qərq olmaq to be* lost deep in thought, to be* plunged in meditation
s. 1. clever, bright, sharp, quickwitted; ~ uşaq a clever / bright / quickwitted child; 2. thoughtful; ~ baxışlar thought ful looks
i. 1. cleverness, brightness, sharp ness, quick-wittedness; 2. thoughtfulness
s. 1. slow-witted; d.d. dense; 2. thoughtless, unconscious; ~ hərəkət an unconscious action
i. 1. slow-wittedness; 2. thought lessness, unconsciousness
f. 1. to cause smb. to think (d.); 2. (narahat etmək) to give* / to cause anxiety, to make* uneasy
z. consciously; deliberately
z. rashly; without thinking; ~ danışmaq to speak* rashly / without think ing
f. to think* (of, about), to consider (d.); O heç vaxt başqaları haqqında düşünmür He / She never considers / thinks of others, He / She never takes o