i. drum; ~ çalmaq to beat* the drum
i. drummer, drum player
i. bax davulçalan
i. the profession of a drummer
i. d.d. bax dayı
f. to lean* (against, on), to rest (upon)
I. i. 1. prop, rest, foot*; 2. tex. stop, bearing, log; 3. pedestal; 4. məc. support; 5. (körpüdə) pier; 6
i. arxit. buttress, abutment, coun terfort
f. to supply (d.), with support / bearing
s. (i.s.) having bearing / support
i. anything fit / suitable for support
s. (i.s.) without bearing / support
i. the state of being without bearing / support
f. to rest (d. against), to set* (d. against); to put (d. against), to prop, (d. under), to place (d
i. 1. stop, stopping-place, station; (dəmir yolunda və ya avtobus marşrutunda axırıncı dayanacaq) terminus; (şəhərin mərkəzində avtobus dayanacağı) te
fi. stopping, stoppage, ceasation, halting; hərbi əməlliyatın ~sı ceasation of hostilities; silahlanmanın ~sı halting of arms race; atəşin ~sı cease-f
f. to be* stopped / ceased, to be* put to an end, to be* broken off, to be* discontinued
fi. stopping, check(ing); ceasation; ceasing; stoppage, halting; hərbi əməliyyatı ~ ceasation of hostilities; atom silahının istehsalını ~ stoppage /
f. to stop (d.), to cease (d.), to discontinue (d.), to put* an end (to), to make* an end (of); to break* off (d
z. 1. immediately, at once; Biz dayanmadan qayıtdıq We returned immediately; 2. incessantly, unceasingly, uninterruptedly, continuously, without break
f. 1. to stop, to come* to a stop, to cease; qəflətən ~ to stop short / dead; Qatar beş dəqiqə dayanır The train stops five minutes; İş dayanıb The wo
s. incessant, uninterrupted, persistent; ~ səs-küy persistent noise; ~ yağış incessant rain
s. 1. shallow, not deep; ~ çay shallow river; ~ boşqab shallow dish; 2. (adam) small-minded, narrow-minded; 3
s. (i.s.) with superficial knowledge
i. small-mindedness, narrow-mindedness
s. 1. quite shallow; 2. məc. quite superficial
s. narrow-minded, smallminded
i. narrow-mindedness, small-mindedness
s. bax dayazdüşüncəli
i. bax dayazdüşüncəlilik
f. to become* / to grow* shallow
f. to be* made (d.) shallow
f. to make* shallow (d.)
fi. bax dayazlaşma
f. to become* / to get* shallow, to shallow (d.)
fi. shallowing, becoming shallow
f. bax dayazlanmaq
f. to cause smth. to grow / to become shallow; to ask / to cause smb. to shallow (d.)
i. 1. shallowness; shoal; 2. məc. super ficiality
i. bax daylaq
s. bax daylaqlı
i. nanny, nurse, nurse-maid; (xəstəxanada) hospital nurse; (müraciət) nursey, nanny
i. nursing; ~ etmək to be* a nurse, to work as a nurse
i. uncle (on the mother’s side)
i. the wife of one’s uncle, uncle’s wife
i. bax dayıarvadı
i. (first) cousin; a daughter of one’s uncle (on the mother’s side)
s. (i.s.) having an uncle; məc. (i.s.) having support
i. the state of being an uncle (on the mother’s side); ~ etmək to patronize (d.), to protect (d.)
i. (oğlan) uncle’s grandson; (qız) uncle’s grand-daughter (on the mother’s side)