s. artesian; ~ quyusu artesian well
I. i. remainder, rest, remains pl., remnant; leavings pl., ərzağın artığı the remain der of the food; pulun artığı the rest of the money; naharın artı
I. s. needless, unnecessary; useless II. z. unnecessarily, needlessly; boldly, shamelessly: ~ danışmaq 1) to speak* much / a lot; 2) to speak* boldly
z. tactlessly, out of place; ~ danışmaq to speak* out of place / tactlessly
i. d.d. leavings pl., left overs pl
z. superfluously, more than needed, completely ~ qaytarmaq (borcu və s.) to repay with interest; ~ yerinə yetirmək to overfulfil (d
i. surplus, superfluousness, abundance; müəllim artıqlığı a surplus in teach ers; çəki artıqlığı overweight; Bu artıqlığı ilə bəsdir That’ll be enough
s. greedy, grasping, covetous
i. greediness, covetousness, cupidity
z. avidly; ~ yemək to eat* with avidity; bir şeyə ~ baxmaq to cast* greedy eyes upon smth
i. growth, increase, rise, upgrowth; development; elmin ~ı upgrowth of science; ağır sənayenin ~ı growth / development of heavy industry; istehsalın ~
s. increasing, growing more
i. capability of increasing / growing more
s. (i.s.) not giving surplus / increase
fi. increase, rise, extension; əkin sahəsinin ~sı extension of land under crops; dövriyyənin ~sı increase in turnover; əmək haqqının ~sı increase in w
f. to be* increased / raised; iki dəfə ~ to be* doubled; üç dəfə ~ to be* trebled; dörd dəfə ~ to be* quadrupled; beş / altı və s
fs. increased, raised
I. i. (əsas binaya əlavə edilən yüngül tikinti) porch II. fi. 1. extension; əkin sahəsini ~ extension of land under crops; 2
f. 1. to raise (d.), to increase (d.), to extend (d.); maaşı ~ to raise / to increase wages; əmək məhsuldarlığını ~ to raise the productivity of labou
i. dilç. article; müəyyənlik ~ı the definite article; qeyri-müəyyənlik ~ı the indefinite article; ~ın işlədilməsi the use of the article
i. (əmtəələrin ölçüsünü, keyfiyyətini və s. göstərən lövhəcik) article
i. dilç. articulation; aydın ~ clear articulation; nitq səslərinin ~sı articulation of speech sounds
i. (aktyor) actor; dram ~i actor; opera ~i opera singer; balet ~i ballet dancer; kino ~i film actor; estrada ~i variety actor; artiste; əməkdar ~ Hono
z. artistically; ~ hərəkət etmək to act / to behave as an actor
I. i. 1. the profession of an actor; 2. artistry; ~ etmək 1) to be* an actor, to work as an actor; 2) məc
i. bot. artichoke
fi. 1. growth, increase, reproduction in quantity; 2. biol. reproduction, propagation; cinsi ~ sexual reproduction
f. 1. to grow*, to increase; çəkisi ~ (kökəlmək) to put* on weight; Çayın suyu artdı The water of the river rose; 2
i. tib. arthritis
i. tare; həqiqi / faktiki ~ real tare; orta ~ average tare
I. i. 1. woman*; ağıllı ~ clever woman*; ərli ~ married woman*; cavan ~ young woman*; qoca ~ old woman*; danışqan ~ shrew; ~ dalınca düşmək to dangle
i. household; one’s family
s. (i.s.) having family / a wife and children
I. i. a husband ruled by his wife; milksop; d.d. henpecked husband II. s. effeminate; d.d. henpecked; ~ ər henpecked husband
s. bax arvadağız II arvadağızlılıq i. effeminacy
s. womanlike, womanly; effeminate
i. womanizer, ladies’ man, ladykiller
i. courtship, courting, lovemak ing; ~ etmək to womanize, to dangle / to run* after woman*
z. like woman, as a woman, in a woman manner / way
s. 1. effeminate, (i.s.) having / with womanly character; 2. feeble, feeble minded
s. bax arvadxasiyyət
i. effeminacy; feebleness
f. 1. to behave / to act as a woman; 2. to behave / to act as a hostess / landlady
f. 1. (qız) to become* slut tish; to become* coarse; 2. (kişi) to become* effeminate
s. married; ~ kişi a married man*
i. 1. femininity, womanliness; 2. duties of a housewife; ~ etmək to be* a housewife, to act as a housewife, to look after one’s family; 3
i. the state of being married
I. s. womanish: ~ yeriş a womanish walk II. z. womanishly, like a woman*: ~ danışmaq to speak* like a woman
s. ladies’ man*; womanizer; ~ olmaq to be* a ladies’ man* / woman izer
I. i. bachelor II. s. wifeless, unmarried; single; ~ kişi unmarried / single man*; ~ ev a house without woman* / housewife; ~ olmaq to be* wifeless, t