s. 1. plain, unattractive, not beautiful, not good-looking; plain face, ugly; 2. məc. dirty, slovenly
f. to cause smb. / smth. to become ugly, to make* plain (d.)
f. to lose* one’s good looks, to grow* plainer, to become* unattractive
i. 1. plainness, ugliness; 2. məc. lowness; dirt
f. to dirty (d.), to soil (d.), to make* dirty; to stain (d.); əlini ~ to stain one’s hand, to dirty one’s hand; Əlini çirkləndirmə Don’t dirty your h
f. to dirty, to become* soiled / stained; Ağ ayaqqabı tez çirklənir White shoes dirty very quickly
f. bax çirklənmək
s. 1. dirty; filthy; (küçə, yol və s.) muddy, miry; ~ üz dirty / grimy face; ~ əl dirty / grimy hands; ~ paltar (alt) dirty linen; ◊ ~ iş dirty work;
I. i. drizzle II. s. drizzly; ~ gün a drizzly day; ~ yağış drizzly rain
f. to drizzle; Çiskinləyir It’s drizzling
s. drizzly; ~ gün a drizzly day
I. i. print, printed calico, printed cotton, chintz II. s. print; ~ don print dress
f. to mend (d.); paltarını ~ to mend (up) one’s clothes
f. to be* mended
f. to ask / to cause smb. to mend (d.); to have (d.) mended
i. wedge; ~ çalmaq to force / to drive* a wedge
f. to wedge (d.), to fix a wedge (d.)
f. to be* / to become* wedged
f. to ask / to cause smb. to wedge (d.); to have* (d.) wedged
s. raw; uncooked; unboiled; ~ ət raw meat; ~ süd fresh milk; ~ su unboiled water
I. i. bot. 1. (yabanı) strawberries pl.; bağ çiyələyi garden strawberries; 2. (ayrı-ayrı dənəsi) strawberry II
i. strawberry field
i. bot. seed; stone; pambıq ~i cotton seed
s. seedy; ~ portağal seedy orange
s. seedless; (i.s.) without seeds
i. shoulder; ~lərini çəkmək to shrug one’s shoulders
z. shoulder to shoulder; ~ vuruşmaq to fight* shoulder to shoulder
s. broad-shouldered
I. i. line; düz ~ straight / right line; paralel ~lər parallel (lines) II. s.: ~ filmi ( animated) cartoon film, animated cartoon
f. to line (d.), to rule (d.)
f. to be* lined / ruled
f. to ask / to cause smb. to rule (d.) / to line (d.); to have* (d.) ruled / lined
i. herdsman; amer. cow-boy; (qoyan otaran) shepherd
i. shepherd’s dog
i. bax uşaq
i. bax uşaqlıq
i. 1. drover; herdsman*; 2. cattle-dealer
I. sy. many, much, plenty; d.d. a lot of; ~ iş much / plenty of work, a lot of work; ~ vaxt much / plenty of time; ~ adam a lot of people; ~ kitab man
s. populous, crowded; ~ şəhər pop ulous town; ~ iclas crowded meeting
s. polyonymous
f. to become* increased / risen / bred / spawned / multiplied
i. polytheist
i. polytheism
f. to increase, to rise*; biol. to propagate itself; (həm də canlılar haq.) to breed*; (balıq, qurbağa və s
f. to increase (d.), to enlarge (d.), to extend (d.); (artırmaq) to augment (d.); to multiply (d.); (sənəd və s
I. i. polygamist II. s. polygamous, polygynous
i. polygamy, polygyny
s. fiz. polyatomic
i. zool. myriapod, multiped
top.i. zool. myriapods