I. i. prodigal, spendthrift, squanderer; ~ olmaq to be* a spendthrift / squanderer / prodigal II. s. extravagant, wasteful; spendthrift; ~ arvad an ex
i. wastefulness, extravagance, prodi gality
i. improvisation
I. i. improvisator II. s. improvisatory
s. art, artistic, graphic, pictorial, figurative; ~ tikmə art needlework, decorative needlework; ~ tərbiyə artistic education; ~ özfəaliyyət amateur a
i. artistry, artistic merit, high artistic value; beauty, elegance
s. impious, profane
i. full moon
f. (ay) to grow* / to get* full
fs.: ~ ay full moon
s. bax ayağıarıq (2-ci mənada)
f. to get* / to become* bad
i. badness, set-back, bad luck, misfortune; ~ basmaq to suffer a set-back; to become* unhappy
s. quarrelsome, unsociable, unami able
i. quarrelsome disposition, unso ciability
s. disgraced, defamed; notorious; ~ olmaq to be* disgraced / defamed; özünü ~ etmək to disgrace oneself, to cover oneself with shame; to bring* shame
i. bax bədnamlıq
i. disgrace, dishonour, shame, ignominy, notoriety
I. i. the evil eye; Allah bədnəzərdən saxlasın God forbid from the evil eye II. s. (i.s.) with evil eye; ~ adam a person with evil eye
s. ill-intentioned, malicious; ~ adam malicious person; ~ hərəkət malicious action
i. ill-intentioned, malicious; ~ adam malicious person; ~ hərəkət malicious action
s. (at) throughbred; (i.s.) of pure breed; ~ at a thoroughbred horse, a horse of pure breed
s. bax bədöv
i. unkindness, rudeness; unsociability
I. i. rude / unsociable person, a quarrelsome man* II. s. unkind, rude, quarrelsome; ~ adam an unkind / unsociable person, a quarrelsome man*
s. 1. unpleasant / unacttractive colour, pale-coloured; 2. unattractive, uninvit ing
s. ugly-faced, unattractive
s. ugliness, unattractiness, the state of being unattractive / ugly
s. bədbəxt
s. bədbəxtlik
s. luckless, unlucky; ~ adam a luck less man* / person, a failure; ~ gün luckless day
i. lucklessness
I. i. rogue, rascal; d.d. old fox II. s. roguish
f. to become* cunning / sly
i. slyness, archness, cunning
nid. ah! oh!
nid. ah! ah! oho!; Bravo Wonderful! Lovely!
i. pretext; excuse; ~ tapmaq to find* a pretext for; ~ ilə under / on the pretext of; müxtəlif ~lərlə on various pretexts; ~ axtarmaq to look for an e
i. 1. d.d. caviller, a captious fellow, fault-finder; 2. one who tries to avoid / to evade to do some work
i. captiousness, faultfinding
s. without pretext, without excuse
i. bax bəhrə
s. bax bəhrəli
i. bax bəhrəlik
s. bax bəhrəsiz
i. bax bəhrəsizlik
i. 1. harvest, yield, crop; bu ilin ~si this year’s yield / harvest; bol / zəngin ~ rich / heavy harvest (crop); az / pis ~ poor / scanty harvest; ~ g
f. to derive advantage from smth., to benefit (by), to derive benefit (from); ~ naminə for the sake of profit
s. 1. fruitful, fertile, fecund, rich, pro ductive; ~ torpaq rich / fertile soil; ~ ağac / torpaq / yağış fruitful tree / soil / rain; ~ il productive