i. basmatchc (a memmber of a revolutionary band in Central Asia)
i. arx. printing house, printingworks
f. 1. (itələmək) to push (d.); 2. (əzmək) to crush (d.), to press (d.); düyməni ~ to press / to push the button; 3
f. bax basmarlamaq
f. to fall* (upon), to swoop down (upon); to rush (at; upon); to catch* (d.) suddenly
f. to be* caught suddenly, to be* rushed at
z. d.d. hastily, slapdash, in a hurry; carelessly, in a slapdash manner; işi ~ görmək to do* things hastily / carelessly / in a slapdash way
I. i. head; top; brain; mismarın ~ı the head of the nail; dağın ~ı the top of the mountain; butulkanın ~ı the top of the bottle; ~a gəlmək 1) to come*
I. i. dish made of head and feet of a sheep II. z. 1. tops to tails; ~ yatmaq to sleep* tops to tails; 2
z. 1. together, alone with smb.; ~ vermək to act together / shoulder to shoul der; 2. head to head; ~ qoymaq to put* head to head
i. d.d. head; ◊ baş-beynini aparmaq to pester (d. with), to bother (d. with), to bore (d. with), to worry (d
i. appearance; physiognomy; ~ ünü düzəltmək / qaydaya salmaq d.d. to tidy oneself up, to set* oneself to rights
i. d.d. air, appearance, physiognomy; ◊ aparmaq 1) to bother smb. with long and nonsense twalk or playing dull music for a long time 2) to start shout
z. on equal terms; ~ dəyişmək to swap, to make* a straight swap
s. reasonable, sensible, judicious; ~ tələb a reasonable claim
s. fidgety, restless, wilful, unmanageable; ~ uşaq fidgety child, unmanageable child, wilful child*
I. s. bareheaded; ~ adam bareheaded man* II. z. bareheaded; ~ gəzmək to walk bareheaded
s. 1. knotty, (en) tangled, involved, chaotic; (həm də məc.) intricated; ~ məsələ knotty / intricated question; ~ dəlil entangled / involved argument;
s. 1. unrealizable, intangible; ~ arzular unrealizable wishes / desires; ◊ castles in the air; ~ ümidlər intangible hopes; 2
i. wooden stake on the head of the grave
s. 1. smth. that causes headache; 2. məc. troublesome, tiresome; bothersome; ~ məsələ troublesome matter; ~ problem troublesome problem; ~ uşaq a trou
s. agonizing, hard, arduous; ~ iş arduous work; ~ problem arduous problem; ~ tapşırıq arduous task
i. headache; ~ndan əziyyət çəkmək to suffer from headache(s); ◊ ~ vermək to give* / to cause a headache, to trouble (d
s. bax sünbül
f. bax sünbülləmək
i. 1. bax balış; 2. anything used as a pillow
s. unruly, unbridled; ~ uşaq unruly child
i. unruliness
I. i. expert (on), connoiseur; incəsənətin ~i art connoiseur; bizim ~ imiz our expert II. s. sensible, sober-minded, judicious
i. 1. head; chief; hökumət ~sı head of the government; ailənin ~sı head of the family; 2. (bələdçi) guide; 3
i. headship, leadership, command; başçılığı altında under the leadership (of), under the command (of); ~ etmək to head (d
z. 1. at the beginning, in the beginning; 2. at the head; led by; sədr ~ olmaqla headed / led by the chairman
z. from the beginning; all over again; afresh; ~ başlamaq to start afresh; ~ sona qədər from (the) beginning to (the) end; ◊ bu ~ beforehand, in good
z. 1. from head to foot, from top to toe; ~ qədər süzmək to eye from head to foot (d.), to eye all over (d
z. 1. completely, entirely (as) a whole; özünü ~ elmə həsr etmək to devote oneself entirely to science 2
I. s. superficial, shallow, perfunctory; ~ oxu superficial reading; ~ iş perfunctory piece of work II
I. s. bax başdansovdu I II. z. bax başdansovdu II
i. tombstone, gravestone
s. giddy, dizzy; ~ yüksəklik / hündürlük giddy / dizzy height; ~ müvəffəqiyyət dizzy / giddy success
s. bax başgicəldici
i. giddiness, dizziness; elm. vertigo; ~ hiss etmək to feel* giddy
I. s. bax başaçıq I II. z. bax başaçıq II
i. the state of being bareheaded
z. with emotion, with agitation; ~ danışmaq to speak* in an agitated tone / in agitated tones, to speak * with emotion / with deep feeling
i. anxiety, great emotion
I. s. (sakit, təvazökar) modest, humble, quiet, silent; ~ adam a humble / quiet man* II. z. downwards; upsidedown, topsy-turvy; O, stakanı başıaşağı ç
i. modesty; onun başıaşağılığı her / his modesty
i. zool. cephalopda
s. 1. closed; sealed up; 2. (heyvan və s.) tied up; 3. (satılmış) sold up
i. 1. the state of married man; 2. the state of being sold up