i.: the proffesion of a shoemaker cobbler; ~ etmək to be* a shoe maker / cobbler, to work as a shoe-maker / cobbler
i. (i.s.) with / having shoes
i. stroll, walk, airing; ~ nə çıxmaq to go* for a walk / stroll / airing
i. condolence; ~ vermək to condole with smb., to present one’s condolences to smb., to offer smb. one’s condolence, to express one’s condolences
s. puzzling; ~ məsələ puzzling matter / question
I. s. 1. headless; (rəhbərsiz) headless; 2. məc. brainless, stupid; ~ adam a brainless / stupid man*; ~ olmaq to be* headless; məc
i. 1. headlessness; 2. foolishness, folly, muddle-headedness; 3. məc. anarchy, the absence of a leader
s. bax başagəlməz
nid. O.K, all right
i. swamp, bog, quagmire, marsh
f. to do* up (d.) with clay / mud
fi. swamping, turning into marsh
f. to become* / to get* bogged up, to turn into swamp
fs. swamped; ~ göl a swamped lake
f. to swamp (d.)
f. to ask / to couse smb. to do up, to turn into swamp
s. swampy, boggy, marshy, muddy; ~ yol muddy road
I. i. bog, morass, swamp, marsh, quagmire; məc. mire, slough II. s. 1. boggy, marshy, swampy; ~ torpaq swampy soil; ~ yer fen, marshland; 2
f. bax bataqlıqlaşmaq
f. to turn into swamp / mud
I. i. battalion; atıcı ~u infant battalion; rabitə ~u signal battalion II. s. battalion; ~ komandiri battalion commander
i. 1. hərb. battery; 2. el. battery; quru ~ dry battery; 3. (istilik) radiator
i. d.d. 1. dirt, mud; filth; ~ sıçratmaq to splash with mud; 2. clay; 3. tik. grout; (building) mortar; clay mortar
I. i. 1. hollow, cavity; (yerdə) depression; 2. (yanaqda və s.) dimple II. s. 1. sunken; ~ göz sunken eyes; concave; ~ güzgü a concave mirror; 2
i. 1. the state of being sunken / concave; 2. hoarseness, harshness
f. 1. (gəmi) to cause to be* sunk; 2. (çirkləndirmək) to be* stained / dirtied; 3. (boğulmaq) to be drowned; 4
f. 1. (gəmini) to sink (d.); gəmi ~ to sink* a ship; 2. to dip (d. in, into); qələmi mürəkkəbə ~ to dip a pen in / into the ink; 3
f. to ask / to couse smb. to drown (d.) / (gəmini) to sink (d.)
I. i. cambric II. cambric; ~ kofta cambric blouse
fi. 1. (göy cisimləri) setting; (günəş) sunset; (ay) moonset; 2. məc. decline; 3. (gəmi) sinking, settling (down); (sualtı qayıq) dive, diving
f. 1. (adam və heyvan) to drown; məc. to be* lost; 2. (gəmi və s.) to sink*, to go* down; 3. (günəş) to set; Günəş batır The sun is setting; 4
i. batman (a measure of weight egual to 5 kgs.) ◊ Ağır olur, batman gəl zərb.məs. ≅ Act Behave seriously, Behave tactfully
s. unsinkable
I. i. d.d. accursed, damned II. s. sunken, hollow; ~ gözlər sunken / hollow eyes
nid. (an interjection expressing sorrow; grief) oh, dear!
I. s. 1. shallow, petty; ~ adam shallow person; ~ hərəkətlər petty acts; 2. banal; ~ irad banal remark II
f. to be* / to get* vulgar, to become* banal
fs. perverted, unnatural, vulgarized; ~ təsəvvürlər perverted notions; ~ nəzəriyyə perverted theory
f. 1. to simplify (d.); 2. to vulgarize (d.), to debase (d.), to banalize (d.)
f. to become* vulgar / banal
i. banality, commonplaceness; Bu nə bayağılıqdır! How petty!
z. a minute ago, not long ago, some minutes before
z. long ago, for a long time; Mən bayaqdan gəlmişəm I came long ago
s. recent; ~ söhbət recent talk
s. stale, not fresh; ~ çörək stale bread
i. bayati (a kind of Azerbaijani poem created by common people); ~ demək to tell bayaties
f. to become* / to get* stale
f. bax bayatımaq
i. staleness
s. bax bəyaz