i. dissoluteness, dissipation, immorality
I. i. body; organism; insan ~i human body; sağlam ~a sound body; ◊ Sağlam bədəndə sağlam ruh olar at
z. physically; ~ müvafiq olmaq / uyğun gəlmək physically fit; ~ möhkəm / sağlam olmaq to be* healthy / strong
i. ungainly, deformed; ~ arvad a woman* with deformed / ungainly figure
s. (bir qədər kök) stoutish, stout, plump
s. 1. bodiless; 2. (arıq) thin, lean
s. ignoble; ~ adam an ignoble man*
i. meanness, mean birth
i. bedouim (a nomadic arab)
i. nomadic life; the ctate of being nomad
I. i. sceptic, skeptic; ~ adam a doubting / distrustful person; özündən ~ olmaq to think* too much / a lot of oneself II
i. distrustfulness, mistrustfulness
s. 1. (xəstə) badly / seriously ill; Xəstə bədhaldır The patient is seriously ill; 2. (zəif) weak, feeble; ~ qoca feeble old man
i. 1. infirmity, feebleness, sickness; 2. depression; d.d. ... blues
s. dishonest, unjust; deceiving
I. i. ugly person, fright II. s. ugly; deformed, misshapen
i. ugliness, deformity
s. indecent, dishonest, deceiving
i. indecency, dishonesty; deceit fulness
s. lacking self-control, unrestrained, hot-tempered; ~ adam hot-tempered person; d.d. spitfire
i. quick / hot temper, lack of self-control; ~ to show* / to display / to manifest hot temper
I. i. evil-wisher, evil-doer, illwisher, spiteful person II. s. malevolent, spiteful, ill-disposed; ~ adamlar malevolent people
i. ill-will; spitefulness; hostility; ~ etmək to show* ill-will (towards)
s. bax bədrəftar II
s. bax 1. bədrəftar II; 2. bax bədxassəli
i. quarrelsome, disposition; unsociability
s. tib. malignant; ~ şiş malignant tumour; amer. tumor
I. i. prodigal, spendthrift, squanderer; ~ olmaq to be* a spendthrift / squanderer / prodigal II. s. extravagant, wasteful; spendthrift; ~ arvad an ex
i. wastefulness, extravagance, prodi gality
i. improvisation
I. i. improvisator II. s. improvisatory
s. art, artistic, graphic, pictorial, figurative; ~ tikmə art needlework, decorative needlework; ~ tərbiyə artistic education; ~ özfəaliyyət amateur a
i. artistry, artistic merit, high artistic value; beauty, elegance
s. impious, profane
i. full moon
f. (ay) to grow* / to get* full
fs.: ~ ay full moon
s. bax ayağıarıq (2-ci mənada)
f. to get* / to become* bad
i. badness, set-back, bad luck, misfortune; ~ basmaq to suffer a set-back; to become* unhappy
s. quarrelsome, unsociable, unami able
i. quarrelsome disposition, unso ciability
s. disgraced, defamed; notorious; ~ olmaq to be* disgraced / defamed; özünü ~ etmək to disgrace oneself, to cover oneself with shame; to bring* shame
i. bax bədnamlıq
i. disgrace, dishonour, shame, ignominy, notoriety
I. i. the evil eye; Allah bədnəzərdən saxlasın God forbid from the evil eye II. s. (i.s.) with evil eye; ~ adam a person with evil eye
s. ill-intentioned, malicious; ~ adam malicious person; ~ hərəkət malicious action
i. ill-intentioned, malicious; ~ adam malicious person; ~ hərəkət malicious action
s. (at) throughbred; (i.s.) of pure breed; ~ at a thoroughbred horse, a horse of pure breed
s. bax bədöv