I. i. tib. surgeon II. s. surgical; ~ alət ləri surgical instruments; ~ müalicəsi surgical treatment
I. i. operation II. s. amer. operative, surgical; ~ otağı an operation room, surgery; ~ stolu operating-table; ~ əməliyyatı surgical operation; ~ müal
I. i. surgery II. s. surgical; ~ sənəti surgical profession; ~ təcrübəsi surgical practice
i. boldness, courage, bravery, valour; ~ etmək to dare*, to venture (d. + to inf.), to make* bold (+ to inf
z. courageously, boldly, defiantly, fearlessly; resolutely; decidedly; ~ danışmaq to speak* boldly / freely; Mən cəsarətlə deyə bilərəm I can safely s
f. to cheer up (d.); to bolden (d.), to encourage (d.), to give* courage / confidence to, to inspire with courage / confidence
f. to dare (+to inf.), to have* courage; to be* bold; to make* (so) bold; to screw up one’s courage (+to inf
s. courageous, daring, audacious, bold, resolute, decided, plucky, brave, intrepid; ~ olmaq to be* brave / courageous; Cəsarətli ol! Don’t lose courag
i. boldness, audaciousness, audacity; encouragement, venture
I. s. irresolute, indecisive, cowardly, faint-heart(ed), craven, poor-spirited; ~ olmaq to be* coward / craven II
f. to lose* courage, to lose* heart, to be* despondent; to become* faint-hearted / coward
i. indecision; timidity; faintheartedness, cowardice, cravenness
i. dead body; corpse; (böyük heyvan haq.) carcass
s. bax cəsarətli
i. bax cəsarət
I. i. punishment; (ciddi, ağır) chastisement; (töhmət mənasında) penalty; (bədən) flogging; cismani ~ corporal punishment; ölüm ~sı punishment by deat
f. to be* punished / chastised, to be* subjected to punishment
f. to punish (d.), (ciddi) to chastise (d.), to inflict a penalty (upon, on d.); to penalize (d.)
f. bax cəzalandırılmaq
i. impunity
I. s. unpunished II. z. with impunity; ~ qalmaq to go* unpunished
i. attraction; attractiveness, charm, fascination; (aldadıcı) seduction, delusion; ~ etmək to attract (d
s. charming, fascinating, alluring, captivating; ~ qız a charming girl; ~ təbəssüm charming / fascinating / captivating smile
i. bax səhra
I. i. d.d. horse-race; racing; d.d. racemeeting, the races; maneəsiz ~ flat race(s); maneəli ~ obstacle-race; ~da iştirak etmək (adam və at
i. id. jockey, rider
f. 1. to break* the rules of the game intentionally / deliberately; 2. to retract one’s words, to go* back on one’s word
i. intentional breaking of the game rules; ~ etmək bax cığallamaq
f. to squeak; to give* / to make* a squeak, to peep; Uşağın oyuncağı cığıldayır The baby’s toy peeps / squeaks
f. to squeak (all) together, to chirp (all) together, to peep together
f. to cause to squeak (d.) / to chirp (d.)
i. squeak, squeaking, rattle; körpə ~sı a baby’s rattle; ~ salmaq to make* / to give* a squeak
s. squeaky; ~ səs a squeaky voice
i. 1. path; (tarlada, meşədə) footpath, track, pathway; trail; işlək / döyənək ~ amer. blazed trail, beaten track; ~la getmək to follow the path; ~ınd
i. fellow-traveller
s. d.d. 1. tiny, tiny little, wee, diminutive; ~ adam diminutive man*; ~ uşaq a wee child, tiny little child, tiny tot; ~ oğlan a wee lad; ~ it a dimi
i. ~ını çıxartmamaq never to utter a sound, never to produce sounds, to keep* silent / silence
s. lean; (çəki, gəlir) net clear; pure; amer. straight (saf, əlavəsiz); ~ gümüş / qızıl pure / clean silver / gold; ~ spirt pure alcohol; d
s. emaciated, puny, wasted; haggard; (bir dəri-bir sümük) scraggy, d.d. skinny; gaunt lean; weak, feeble, sickly, undersized; ~ bədən emaciated / meag
f. to emaciate (d.), to make* thin (d.), to weaken (d.), to make* weaker (d.); Uzun sürən xəstəlik onu cılızlaşdırmışdı He / She was emaciated by long
f. bax cılızlanmaq
i. gauntness, skinniness, emaciation, puniness, weakness
i. bax cır-cındır
I. i. rag, shred, scrap; maşını silmək / təmizləmək üçün ~ rag to polish the car with; döşəmə ~ı house-flannel; Cındırından cin hürkər He / She is dre
i. scraps, waste material; rags, old / worn clothing
i. (kişi) ragman*, (qadın, kişi) ragpicker; (qadın) rag woman*
f. to be* in tatters, to be* torn to tatters / to shreds
s. (i.s.) ragged; in rags
f. to ring*; (sim) to twang; to jangle, (metal əşya) to clank, to clang, (qab) to clatter; (pul) to rattle
f. (zınqrov) to peal (d.), (stəkan) to clink (d.); (açar, pul) to jingle (d.); d.d. to tinkle (d.), (qab) to clatter (d