z.: so; ~ az (s. bilm. isimlərlə) so little; (s. bil. isimlərlə) so few; ~ çox (s. bilm. isimlərlə) so much (s
i. 1. bunker; 2. (yeraltı sığınacaq) underground shelter
z. without this / that / it
i. riot, rebellion; ~ qaldırmaq / salmaq to rebel, to riot
i. rebel
i. rebelliousness; sediton
z. here; Bura gəl Come here; Bura bax Look here; (yol göstərərkən) Come this way! This way, please!
z. bax ora-bura
z. here
z. just here, on the spot; there and then; (vaxt haq.) here, now; Buradaca gözlə Wait just here
s. of this place, (i.s.) here; ~ sakinlər residents of this place, those who live in this part; ~ adamlar the people here
z. from here, from this place; məc. hence; ~ xeyli uzaq far (away) from here, a long way off / away; Buradan görünür ki
i. hurricane, whirlwind, whirlpool; (səhrada) sandstorm; (dənizdə) waterspout; (həm də məc.) vortex; qar ~ı snowstorm, blizzard; ◊ hadisələrin ~ında i
f. to be* released, to be* set free; (həbsdən) to be* discharged (by smb.)
f. to ask smb. to free (d.) / to release (d.) / to set (d.) free; to make* smb. free (d.) / release (d
I. i. 1. (pul və s.) issue; 2. (məhsul) output; 3. (tələbə) graduation; istiqraz ~ı issue of a loan; 4
f. 1. to be* freed / released / set free; (həbsdən) to be* discharged; 2. (icazə verilmək) to be* allowed / permitted; 3
f. 1. to let* (d.), to set* free (d.); 2. (icazə vermək) to permit (d.), to allow (d.); 3. (dustağı) to discharge (d
s.: (i.s.) of this place, here; ~ adamlar people of this place; Mən buralıyam I live here, I am a native here
i. rope; steel rope / cable; wire rope; ~ üstündə gəzmək to walk the tight-rope
f. to fidget, to move restlessly, to toss and to turn
f. 1. to sway; to sway one’s buttocks while walking; to go* swaying; 2. (vəziyyətdən çıxmağa çalışmaq) d
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to twirl (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to twist (d.); 2. (saçı) to ask / to cause smb
I. i. borer, drill, perforator; tex. brace, (böyük) auger II. tib. bax sancı
f. to bore (d.); to drill (d.), to perforate (d.)
f. to be* bored / drilled / perforated
f. bax burğulatmaq
f. to ask smb. to bore (d.) / to drill (d.) / to perforate (d.), to cause smb. to bore (d.) / to drill (d
f. to be* sprained / slipped
s. sprained; ~ torpaq a sprained ankle
f. to sprain; to slip; Onun ayağı burxuldu His / Her foot slipped
f. to sprain (d.); to slip (d.); O, topuğunu burxudub He / She has sprained his / her ankle
I. i. bourgeois II. s. bourgeois; ~ cəmiyyəti bourgeois society
s. bourgeois-democratic; ~ inqilabı bourgeois-democratic revolution
f. to become* bourgeois
i. bourgeoisie iri ~ upper bourgeoisie; inhasarçı ~ monopoly bourgeoisie; xırda ~ petty bourgeoisie
I. fi. 1. twiring, twisting; winding round; bir kəsin qollarını arxasına ~ twist ing smb.’s arms behind his back; 2
s. bax buruq-buruq
s. bax bığıburma
f. 1. to twirl (d.), to twist (d.); to wind* round (d.); bir kəsin qolunu ~ to twist smb.’s arms; bığını ~ to turn up the ends of one’s moustache; 2
s. curly-headed; ~ oğlan a curly headed boy / fellow
s. bax burmatel
s. 1. turned-up-nose; 2. məc. insolent, arrogant, presumptuous; haughty
i. 1. the quality of having a turned-up nose; 2. məc. haudhtiness, arrogance, insolence
s. bax əyriburun
s. bax uzunburun
s. bax yastıburun
i. the quality of having a snubnose
s. big-nosed