z.: ~ olmaq to be* covered with scratches; to be* scratched badly; ~ etmək to scratch badly (d.), to cover with scratches (d
f. to scratch (d.); İt qapını cırmaqlayırdı The dog scratched at the door
f. to be* scratched
f. to scratch; Pişiklər cırmaqlaşırlar Cats scratch
f. to be* irritated, to be* in bad temper
f. to tease (d.); to irritate (d.)
i. dwarf, pygmy, lilliputian, d.d. little man*
s. d.d. hot-tempered, quick-tempered; d.d. peppery; ~ adam hot-tempered person; d.d. spitfire
i. hot / quick temper; touchiness
i. line; ~ çəkmək to line; altdan ~ çəkmək to underline
i. roast(ed) offal; ~ bişirmək / qovurmaq to cook / to fry offal in hot fat, to roast offal
i. (müxt. mənalarda) line; scratch; ~ çəkmək to draw* a line, to line off / out; kağızda ~ çəkmək to rule lines on paper; ~dan çıxmaq məc
s. 1. (pozulmuş) blotted out, crossed out; (korlanmış) spoiled; (xətt, yazı) scribbled; Onun əlləri tamam cızıq-cızıq idi Her / His hands were covered
f. to rule (d.), to make* (parallel) lines on, to mark with lines; to line (d.); kağızı ~ to rule a paper, to line a paper; Məktubda bir neçə sətir cı
f. to be* ruled; to be* scratched out
fs. ruled, lined; scratched; ~ (cızıqlı) dəftər lined / ruled note-book
f. (samovar və s.) to drone; to hoot
f. 1. to be* drawn; to be* traced out; to be* lined; Kağız cızıqlanıb (xətlənib) The paper is lined; 2
i. buzzing; hooting, drone
i. d.d. (qara-qura yazı) scrawl; ~ yazmaq / etmək to scrawl (d.), to scribble (d.); scratch (on) (d.); ~ yazı scratchy writing; O cızma-qara edir (ila
i. d.d. scribbler; dauber
f. 1. to draw* (d.); (ümumi şəkildə təsvir etmək) to trace (d.), to sketch (d.), to outline (d.), to draft (d
I. i. pocket; yan ~ side-pocket; döş ~(i) breast pocket; saat ~i watch-pocket; arxa ~ (şalvarda) hip-pocket; ~ini doldurmaq d
i. bax cibkəsən
i. pocket-picking, pickpocketing; ~ etmək to pickpocket, to be* a pickpocket
i. pocket money
i. a pickpocket
i. (nəvaziş) mother; d.d. grandmother; mum, mom, mummy
i. (silah) lance; tar. (piyada əsgər) pike; Cidanı çuvalda gizlətmək olmaz at. söz. ≅ Murder will out
f. to lance each other / one another
i. zeal, fervour, ardour; amer. ardor, diligence; assiduity; ~lə işləmək to work with zeal / diligence; ~ etmək / göstərmək to endeavour, to be* zealo
I. s. serious, earnest; austere, strict; (sərt) severe; grave; ~ adam an austere / a serious person; (görünüşcə) a grave man* / person*; ~ məsələ a gr
f. to strengthen (d.), to intensify (d.); to attach importance (to), to make* smth. important; nəzarəti ~ to double the watch (for, ever); beynəlxalq
f. to become* / to grow* serious / strict; to take* a serious turn
i. strictness, seriousness, earnestness, graveness, stringency; tam ~lə in all seriousness; Həmişə ciddilik lazımdır One must always be serious
i. severity; stringency, intensity; diligence; müharibə dövrü qaydalarının / qanunlarının ~i the stringency of wartime rules
z. seriously, earnestly, in earnest; diligently; unremittingly; gravely; ~ işləmək to work with zeal / diligence, to work in earnest / diligently
id. sacred war(-fare), Holy war, a fight in any good cause; ~ elan etmək to declare holy war (on)
i. apparatus, instrument; device; appliance; optik ~lar optical instruments; ölçü ~ı measuring instrument / device
I. i. instrument-maker II. s. instrument-making; ~ sənaye / zavod instru ment-making industry / plant
i. chirp(ing), twittering; ~ etmək to give* a chirp, to chirp
f. to chirp / to twitter together; bərkdən / ucadan ~ to give* a loud chirp
i. chirp, chirr up, twitter
f. to grind* (d.); (həm də məc.) to polish (d.), to gross (d.), to make* (d.) glossy
f. to be* polished / glossed
s. polished, glossed
s. lustrous, glossy, shiny; ~ kağız glossy paper
i. 1. (kitabın) binding, cover, bookcover; kitabın ~i the cover of a book 2. volume; 3. clothing; ~ini dəyişmək məc
i. volume by volume; in volumes; ~ kitablar books in volumes
i. binder, bookbinder