i. bax formula
i. formula (pl. -as, -ae)
i. 1. service list; 2. ticket, card; rəsmi ~ official list
i. bot. swagger; ~ etmək bax forslanmaq
f. bot. to swagger
s. bot. swaggering
i. tex. sprayer; oil / fuel burner
i. piano; upright piano; ~(da) çalmaq to play the piano
i. bax pianoçu
i. forum; beynəlxalq ~ international forum
i. id. forward
i. kim. phosphate
I. i. kim. phosphorus II. s. phosphoric; ~ turşusu phosphoric acid
i. miner. phosphorite
f. to phosphorate (d.)
f. to be* phosphorated; to turn into phosphorate
s. phosphorus; phosphorescent; (i.s.) (mixed) with phosphorate
i. kim. phosgen
I. i. photo, photograph; ~ çəkmək to take* a photo (of), to photograph (d.) II. s. photographic; ~ kağızı photographic paper
i. album of photo(graph)s
i. camera
i. photographer’s (studio)
i. enlarger
i. photoelectric cell, photocell, photopile
i. photographic sketch
s. photogenic; ~ sifət photogenic face
i. photochromy
i. pictorial review
i. bax fotaparat
i. photochemistry
s. photochemical
i. photographer; həvəskar ~ amateur photographer; peşəkar ~ professional photographer
i. bax fotoqraf
s. photographic
i. 1. photography; rəngli ~ colour photography; ağ-qara ~ black and white photography; 2. (atelye) photographer’s (studio)
i. profession of a photographer
i. photolaboratory, photolab
i. (photographic) film
i. kim. photolysis
i. photomechanic
i. photomechanics
s. photomechanical
s. photometric
i. fiz. photometry
i. photomontage
i. newspaper / magazine photographer
i. lens
i. bax fotolent
i. photographic advertisement; picture advertisement
i. picture story, photo-report