i. intonation; qalxan ~ rising intonation; düşən ~ falling intonation
i. intrigant, intriguer; (qadın) intrigante
i. intrigue; ~ aparmaq to carry on an intrigue, to intrigue (against); bir kəsə qarşı ~ aparmaq to intrigue against smb
i. bax intriqan
i. intriguing
i. intuition; instinct
s. intuitive; ~ bilik (fəhm) intuitive knowledge
I. i. invariant II. s. invariant (attr.)
i. riyaz. invariance
I. i. stock; kənd təsərrüfatı ~ı agricultral implement; canlı (malqara) ~ livestock; cansız ~ equipment II
i. inventory making, stocktaking; inventory (d.); ~ etmək (aparmaq) to make* an inventory, to inventory (d
i. dilç. inversion; tam ~ full inversion; yarımçıq / natamam ~ partial inversion
i. injection; ~ etmək to make* an injection (of), to inject (d.)
i. administrator
I. i. the job of an administrator II. s. administrative; ~ bacarığı administrative ability
s. administrative; official; ~ cəza official reprimand; official scolding; ~ cəza almaq to receive an official reprimand; ~ qaydalarla by administrati
I. i. fiz. ion II. s. fiz. ionic; ion (attr.); ~ nəzəriyyəsi ionic theory
i. fiz. ionization; atmosferin ~sı ionization of the atmosphere
f. to be* ionized
f. to ionize (d.)
fi. ionization
f. to get* / to become* ionized
fs. ionized
s. ionized; (i.s.) with ion
i. ionosphere
i. 1. string, twine; 2. cord; (paltar asmaq üçün) cloth-line; ~lə bağlamaq to cord (d.), to tie up with cord (d
I. i. silk; xam ~ raw silk; süni ~ artificial silk, rayon silk; ~ kimi silky, silklike, like silk; ◊ ~ kimi olmaq to be* as meek as a lamb, to be* sil
i. silkworm breeder
I. i. silkworm breeding; elm. seri(ci)culture II. s. silkworm breeding; ~ təsərrüfatı silkworm breeding farm
s. silk-weaving; ~ fabrik silkweaving mill; ~ dəzgah silk-weaving loom
i. zool. silkworm, bombyx
s. stubborn, unmanageable, violent, hard-mouthed; ~ uşaq unmanageable child*
i. stubbornness, violence
I. i. spinner II. s. spinning; ~ maşın spinning machine
i. spinning; əllə ~ hand-spinning; maşınla ~ machine-spinning
s. violent, turbulent; mad
f. to rope (d.), to tie up (d.) with a rope
i. (of people) violent / raving lunatic, a wildly foolish person
f. to be* roped, to be* tied up with a rope
I. i. cotton yarn II. s. cotton (attr.); ~ parça cotton fabric
s. half-cotton
i. kim. mustard gas, yperite
s. 1. ropeless, cordless; 2. məc. freeand-easy, over-free
i.: ~ etmək to speak*, to utter; nitq ~ etmək to make* / deliver a speech; ~ tutmaq to point out a defect, to rebute (d
i. caviller, faultfinder
i. will, volition; sərbəst / azad ~ free will; möhkəm ~ strong will; dəmir ~ iron will; öz ~si əleyhinə against one’s own will; bir kəsin ~sinə tabe o
s. strong-willed; resolute, determined; ~ adam strong-willed person
i. the state or quality of being strong-willed
s. weak-willed, flabby; characterless; spineless; ~ adam weak-willed person
i. lack of will, weak will