s. daily, everyday; ~ həyat daily / everyday life
I. i. strange fellow; queer bird; ~ olmaq to be* ignorant; to be* deceived II. s. naive, naive; ~ adamlar naive people
f. (aldatmaq) to deceive (d.), to cheat (d.), to swindle (d.)
i. naivety
s. greedy (of, for), avid (of, for), covetous
z. greedily, covetously, avidly
f. to get* / to become* greedy / covetous
i. greediness, avidity, covetousness
i. anarchy, chaos, lack of restraint, willfulness, license
f. to turn (d.), to whirl (d.), to spin* (d.), to wheel round (d.)
f. 1. to turn, to revolve; (sürətlə) to sprint*; öz oxu ətrafına ~ to revolve on its axis; 2. (gəzmək) to take* a walk / a stroll, to go* for a walk /
f. to ask / to cause smb. to turn (d.) / to spin (d.) / to whirl (d.)
i. auction; ~a qoymaq to sell* by auction (d.)
i. auction; the act of auction
I. s. comprehensive, thorough, detailed, all-round; ~ təhsil / inkişaf və s. all-round education / development, etc
I. s. 1. garrulous, talkative; ~ adam garrulous / talkative person; 2. meaningless, absurd; ~ sözlər meaningless / absurd words II
z. bax hərzə II
f. to speak* nonsense, to talk much and stupidly; to talk rot
i. talkativeness, absurdity; ~ etmək to talk nonsense, to speak nonsense, to talk much and stupidly; to talk rot
i. envy; ~ aparmaq to envy (d.); Mən ona həsəd aparıram I envy him / her; ◊ ~dən partlamaq to be* bursting with envy
z. enviously, with envy
s. envious, covetous
i. bast mat / matting
i. bast mat weaver
f. to cover the floor with bast mat
i.: ~ etmək to devote (d. to); to dedicate (d. to); to give* up (d. to); özünü ~ etmək to devote oneself (to); həyatını elmə ~ etmək to devote / to gi
i. regret (for); longing for a person or place, feeling a loss; bir kəsin ~ini çəkmək to long to see smb
s. sensible, perceptible, felt, sensitive, tactful; ~ münasibət tactful / delicate approach; ~ adam sensitive man*
i. 1. sensibleness, perceptibility, sensitiveness; 2. (radio və s.) sensitivity; 3. tactfulness
s. splendid, magnificent, great, majestic
i. insect
s. kim. insecticide
s. bot. zool. insect-eating, insectivorous; Çox quşlar həşəratyeyəndir Many birds are insectivorous
i. bax hay-küy
sy. bax səksən
sy. bax səksəninci
s. bax səksənyaşlı
bağ. even; Hamı gəlmişdi, hətta uşaqlarda Everyone came, even the children; ~ əgər even if; O, hətta təsəvvür edə bilməzdi ki, bu belədir He / She cou
i.: ~ etmək to intrust, to charge / to commission (d. with, d. with ger.); O, bu məktublara cavab verməyi sizə həvalə edir He / She entrusts you with
s. bax iridiş
i. pestle; ◊ ~də su döymək ≅ to beat* the air
i. mortar and pestle
i. wish, inclination (to, for); disposition (to); enthusiasm, animation; interest; desire (for); longing (for); ~dən düşmək to lose* desire, to be* in
i. amateur, dilettante; ~ olmaq to be* a lover (of); şahmat ~ı olmaq to be* very fond of chess; təbiət ~ı nature-lover; O, gül həvəskarıdır He / She i
z. willingly; readily; with enthusiasm, with animation; O bunu həvəslə edər He / She will be glad to do it
s. encouraging, stimulating; ~ təbəssüm encouraging smile
f. to be* encouraged, (maddi) to be* given an incentive (to); to be* stimulated
f. to encourage (d.); (maddi) to give* an incentive (to), to stimulate the interest (of)
f. to take* (to), to give* oneself up (to); to be* carried away; to take* a great interest (in smth.); to be* keen (on smth