s. large and little, big and small
s. big, large; big-big; ~ qarpızlar bigbig water-melons; ~ daşlar big-big stones
s. big, tall, well-grown; ~ adam a tall / well-grown man*
s. bax iribədən
i. tallness, the state of being well-grown
s. tik. large-block (attr.); ~ tikinti large-block construction
s. big-nosed; (i.s.) having a big nose
s. bax iriburun
s.: ~ qum coarse sand; ~ mirvari big pearls; ~ sünbül big grained ear
s. large-toothed; (i.s.) with large teeth
s. bax iridiş
s. thick-lipped, big-lipped
s. bax iridodaq
s. large-size
s. 1. (adam) tall, big, stout; 2. (ağac) big-trunked
i. 1. (adam) bigness, tallness, stoutness; 2. (ağac və s.) the state of being large / big-trunked
s. 1. big-eyed, large-eyed; (i.s.) with big eyes; 2. (aşsüzən və s.) big-holed; (i.s.) with big holes
s. bax irigöz
i. 1. the state of being big-eyed; 2. (aşsüzən və s.) the quality of having big holes
s. capacious; voluminous; ~ qazan a capacious saucepan; ~ kitab a voluminous book
i. 1. the state of being capacious; 2. (kitab və s.) the state of being voluminous
s. large-calibre (attr.); ~ top largecalibre gun
f. to mill coarsely; to cut* largely
f. 1. to become* larger, to grow* larger / bigger; 2. (böyümək) to grow* up; to develop (into)
f. to cause (d.) to be grown larger / bigger
f. bax irilətmək
f. to cause (d.) to grow larger / bigger
s. 1. mixed, large and small, coarse and fine; 2. big and little; ~ uşaqlar children big and little
i. 1. coarseness; bigness; largeness; 2. size; bu ~də şəhər a town of this size
i. pus; d.d. matter
i. tib. purulent discharge
s. biol. suppurative
fi. tib. suppuration, festering, festerment
f. tib. to suppurate; (yara, kəsik) to fester, to discharge pus; d.d. to discharge matter; Kəsik irinləməyə başladı The cut began to fester
f. to fester (d.), to let* fester (d.); to cause (d.) to fester
s. festering, suppurative, purulent; ~ yara festering / suppurative wound; ~ appendiks suppurative appendicitis
i. the state of being purulent / suppurative
s. suppurative
s. large-scale; large-measured
s. large-panel; ~ tikinti large-panel construction; frame-and-panel construction
i. toffee; toffy; amer. taffy
s. large-faced; (i.s.) with large face
s. bax irisifət
f. to make* smb. grin, to cause smb. to bare one’s teeth
z. grinning, smiling; ~ danışmaq to speak* grinning / smiling
f. to grin, to make* a grin; to show* / to bare one’s teeth; İrişmə! Don’t grin! Don’t bare you teeth!
i. race; ağ ~ the white race; qara ~ the black race; sarı ~ the brown race; kübar ~dən of noble race
i. racist
I. i. racialism II. s. racialist, racist
s. racial, race; ~ ayrı-seçkilik racial / race discrimination; ~ münaqişə race conflict; ~ nifrət race hatred