f. to bite* each other / one another
i. 1. (ağız) rinsing; 2. (boğaz) garging, gargle; ~ etmək 1) (ağızı) to rinse (d.); 2) (boğazı) to gargle (d
f. 1. to snatch (d.), to grab (d.); to make* a snatch (at); to make* a grab (at); bir şeyi ~ to make* a snatch / grab at smth
I. i. snow; sulu ~ sleet; Qar yağır It snows, (hazırda) It’s snowing; Sulu qar yağır It sleets; (hazırda) It’s sleeting, Sleet is falling; ~la örtülmə
I. i. 1. black; ~ geyinmək to wear black, to be* dressed in black; ◊ ~ya ağ demək to swear* / to prove black is white; kömür kimi ~ coal-black; qır ki
s. dark-red
i. bax qorxu
z.: arxasınca ~ getmək to follow smb., to follow on smb’s heels
i. hallucination, nightmare
i. arx. servant, maidservant, maid; charwoman*
I. i. unfortunate wretch, an unlucky / luckless person II. s. unhappy, unfortunate, ill-fated, ill-starred
s. bax qarabəxt II
i. unhappiness, ill-fatedness
I. i. swarthy girl, dark-complexioned woman* II. s. swarthy; ~ qız a swarthy girl
s. bax qarabəniz II
i. swarthiness
s. black-moustached; (i.s.) with black moustache
s. bax qarabığ
s. bax qarayağız II
i. bax qarayağızlıq
I. i. anat. liver II. s. anat. hepatic; ~ xəstəliyi hepatic disease; ~ sancısı hepatic colic
I. i. 1. gipsy; 2. beggar; 3. məc. shouter, brawler; (uşaq) squaller; crybaby II. s. 1. gipsy; ~ dili gipsy, the gipsy language; ~ dilində danışmaq to
i. gipsydom; ~ etmək 1) (qaraçı həyatı keçirmək) to gipsy; 2) (səs-küy salmaq) to kick up a fuss / row / shindy, to raise a stink; ~ salmaq to make* a
s. məc. (i.s.) bringing misfortune / disaster
i. shanty, hovel, shack
i. dark-skinned, coloured; ~ adamlar coloured people
s. taciturn, reticent, not talkative; uncommunicative
z. taciturnly, reticently
i. taciturnity, reticence
I. i. black-eyed girl / woman* II. s. black-eyed; (i.s.) with black eyes; (i.s.) having black eyes ~ qız black-eyed girl; a girl with black eyes
s. bax qaragöz II
I. i. astrakhan fur II. s. astrakhan; ~ qoyunu astrakhan sheep
i. breeder of astrakhan
i. astrakhan sheep breeding
I. i. bax bədbəxt I II. s. bax bədbəxt II
i. hard times, hardship
s. bax bədbəxt II
i. unhappiness
s. tar. black-Hundred
i. one of black Hundreds, black-Hundreder
I. i. bot. currant; qara ~ black currant; qırmızı ~ red currant; II. s. currant; ~ kolu currant bushes; ~ mürəbbəsi currant jam
i. currant bushes, currant grove
s. bax qaraxallı
s. (i.s.) with black mole / birthmark; (i.s.) having black mole
i. one who often gives unpleasant news / breaks the news
i. garage
s. black-eyelashed
s. bax qarakirpik
s. 1. gloomy, sombre; ~ yoldaş gloomy companion; ~ xarakter sombre character; 2. unsociable; ~ olmaq to keep* oneself to oneself
i. 1. gloominess, sombreness; 2. unsociability, unsociableness