f. to blacken (d.), to cover (d.) with black paint; Tüstü divarları qaraltdı The smoke blackened the walls
i. cattle, neat cattle
s. blackish, darkish
s. bax qaramtıl
z. breathlessly, panting, out of breath, in a hurry, in one’s haste / hurry
s. dark; ~ gecələr dark nights
i. zool. swallow; sahil ~u sandmartin; şəhər ~u (house-) martin; ◊ ilk ~ ≅ first signs
I. i. 1. dark, darkness, ~da in the dark; ~da oturmaq to sit* in the dark; ~ düşmək to grow* / to become* / to get* dark; ~ düşməzdən əvvəl before dar
fi. bax qaranlıqlaşma
f. bax qaranlıqlaşmaq
f. to be* darkened
f. to darken (d.), to cause to become dark (d.)
fi. darkening; (gözdə) dimness
f. to get* / to become* / to grow* dark; Qaranlıqlaşır It’s getting dark
I. i. guarantee, guaranty; ~ vermək to guarantee; ~ verilmək to be* guaranteed; müvəffəqiyətə ~ vermək to guarantee success; Bu saata iki il qarantiya
s. guaranteed; ~ saat guaranteed watch
s. snow-like, like snow
s. (i.s.) in black dress; ~ qadın a woman in black dress
s. black-haired; (i.s.) with black hair
s. bax qarasaç
s. 1. black-beard; 2. young, not old
s. bax qarasaqqal II (1-ci mənada)
i. the state of having black beard
i. tar, gum
s. blackish
I. i. 1. (kişi) dark(-haired) man*; 2. (qadın) brunette, dark woman*, darkcomplexioned woman* II. s. swarthy; ~ qız swarthy girl; ~ qadın / arvad swar
i. swarthiness
z.: ~ gəlmək to threaten (d. with), to menace (d.with)
I. i. spade II. s. of spade; ~ qadın queen of spades
I. i. black soil, II. s. black soil, ~ zona black soil zone
s. bax qaratorpaq II
s. 1. black-faced; 2. (cildli) (i.s.) with black cover
i. anecdote, funny story; joke; gülməli ~ witty / amusing anecdote; Bu lap qaravəllidir! It’s simply ridiculous!
s. swarthy; ~qadın a swarthy woman*
s. slanderous, capitious; ~ arvad a capitious woman*, fault-finding; ~ adam slanderer, capitious / slanderous person
i. calumny, captiousness, slander; (mətbuatda) libel
s. burnt; charred
I. i. bax qarayağız I II. s. bax qarayağız II
i. bax qarayağızlıq
i. tib. anthrax
I. i. 1. brother; doğma ~ one’s own brother; ögey ~ step-brother; 2. (müraciət məqamında) old man / old chap, my boy; ~ olmaq to be* brothersothers II
i. brother and sister; ~ olmaq to be* brother and sister
i. sister-in-law
z. brotherly, like a brother, as a brother; ~ sevmək to love brotherly, to love like / as a brother
i. niece
f. to fraternize (with)