i. calligrapher, calligraphist
s. calligraphic; ~ xətt calligraphic hand (writing) ~ xətlə yazmaq to write* calligraphically
i. calligraphy
I. i. Kalmyc (Kalmuck), (qadın) Kalmyk woman* II. s. Kalmyk; ~ dili Kalmyk, the Kalmyk language
z. Kalmyk, in Kalmyk; ~ danışmaq to speak* Kalmyk, to speak* the Kalmyk language; ~yazmaq to write* in Kalmyk
i. fiz. calorimeter
i. fiz. calorimetry
i. fiz. calorie; böyük ~ large calorie, kilogram-calorie; kiçik ~ small calorie, gram-calorie
s. high-calorie; rich in calories; ~ qida food rich in calories; ~ yanacaq high-calorie fuel
i. caloric value
i. kim. calcium
I. i. 1. (arzu, istək, murad) wish, desire; aspiration; 2. (məqsəd, məram) aim, purpose, object, end; 3
i. 1. (əqli yetkinlik) mental maturity; perfection; 2. (ağıl, zəka) mind, intelligence, intellect, wisdom, sense, wit; ~ sahibi man of sense / wisdom;
f. to become* wise / clever / intelligent; to become* mentally mature
s. clever, wise, intelligent
i. 1. cleverness; intellectuality; 2. mental maturity; 3. reasonableness
s. 1. not wise / clever / intelligent; 2. mentally immature
i. the state or quality of being not wise / clever / intelligent
I. i. bax kamança II. i. bow; ~ yayı bow-string; qaşı ~ bax kamanqaş; ~ın yayını dartmaq to draw* / to bend* a bow; ~ kimi əyilmək to bend* as a bow;
i. mus. kamancha (an oriental bow instrument – a kind of fiddlle or violin); ~ yayı fiddle-bow, fiddlestick
i. mus. kamancha-player
i. bax kamançaçalan
i. the profession of a kamancha-player
i. 1. (oxatan) bowman; 2. (yayox-daşıyan) bow-bearer
s. arch-browed, (i.s.) with arched eyebrows
s. bax kamanqaş
i. zool. plaice, flounder; flat-fish
i. bot. camellia
I. i. 1. (xüsusi otaq) chamber, cell; dezinfeksiya ~sı disinfection chamber; saxlama ~sı cloak-room; check-room, leftluggage room; həbsxana ~sı cell,
i. mus. tuning fork, pitchfork
I. i. əcz. camphor II. s.: ~ ağacı camphor tree; ~ yağı camphor-oil
s. camphorous, camphoric
s. 1. perfect; mature; 2. (mahir) capable; skilled; experienced; skilful; 3. (bitkin) complete
f. to be* perfected; to be* improved
f. to perfect (d.), to make* perfect (d.)
f. 1. to become* perfect (in); to perfect oneself (in); 2. (müdrikləşmək) to gain wisdom
i. 1. perfection; (mental) maturity; 2. (bitkinlik) completeness
i. campaign; drive; mətbuat ~sı press campaign; seçki ~sı election campaign; səpin ~sı sowing campaign
s. unhappy, unlucky, luckless
i. 1. (süni arx) canal; suvarma ~ı irrigation canal; (dənizlər arasında boğaz) channel; 2. anat. duct, canal; sidik ~ı urethra; 3
I. i. sewer, sewerage; ~ çəkmək to sewer (d.), to supply with sewerage system (d.) II. s. sewerage; ~ sistemi sewerage system; ~ borusu sewer (-pipe);
s. sewered, supplied with sewerage system
s. unsewered; (i.s.) not furnished with sewerage system, (i.s.) having no sewerage system
i. rope, cable; polad ~ steel-rope
i. threshold; ~a ayaq basmaq to step over the threshold, to set* foot* on smb.’s threshold; ◊ bir kəsin ~ını qoparmaq ≅ to pester smb
i. rosin, colophony; ~ sürtmək / çəkmək to rosin (d.)
f. to rosin (d.)
f. to be* rosined, to have* rosined
f. to ask / to cause smb. to rosin (d.)
f. bax kanifollatdırmaq