i. tar. communard
I. i. communist; ~ olmaq to be* communist II. s. communist; ~ partiyası Communist Party
z. as / like a communist
i. communism; ~ qurmaq to build* communism
i. commutator; switchboard; telefon ~u telephone switchboard
i. chest of drawers; locker; tallboy
i. compass
I. i. complex II. s. complex, composite, combined; ~ ədədlər riyaz. complex numbers; ~ mexanizasiya complex / composite mechanization; all-round mecha
i. (dəst) complete set; jurnallar ~i a complete set of magazines
fi. 1. (kitabxananı və s.) acquisition; 2. (işçi heyətini və s.) staffing; hərb. recruitment, recruiting
f. 1. to complete (d.), to replenish (d.); 2. (işçi heyətini və s.) to staff (d.); hərb. to recruit (d
i. compliment; ~ demək / atmaq to pay* / to make* a compliment (i. to); O mənə kompliment dedi He / She paid me a compliment, He / She made a complime
i. component
i. k.t. compost; ~ quyusu compost pit
i. d.y. punch
f. d.y. to punch (d.)
f. d.y. to be* punched
f. bax komposterlətmək
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to punch (d.)
i. stewed fruit, compote
i. (müxt. mənalarda) composition
i. tib. compress; ~ qoymaq to make* a compress
i. tex. compressor
i. compressor operator, operator of a compressor
s. (i.s.) with / having a compressor, (i.s.) equipped with a compressor
i. compromise; ~ə girmək to compromise; to make* a compromise
I. i. Komsomol, Young Communist League II. s. komsomol; ~ təşkilatı Komsomol organization; ~ bileti Komsomol membership card
i. member of the Komsomol, member of the Young Communist League
i. fiz. condenser, capacitor
i. conductor; d.y. guard
i. 1. the work / the job of a conductor / a guard; 2. the post of a conductor / guard
s. (i.s.) without a conductor / a guard
i. the state of having no conductor
i. confederation, confederacy
s. confederative
i. master of ceremonies; compere
I. i. sweet, bon-bon, sweetmeats pl.; amer. candy II. s. sweet; ~ qutusu sweet box; ~ kağızı sweet wrapper
i. (konditer) confectioner
i. conference; sülh ~ ı peace conference
i. skates; diyirçəkli ~ roller skates; ~ sürmək to skate, to go* skating
i. skater
i. id. skating; fiqurlu ~ figure skating
I. s. concrete; specific; ~ təklif concrete proposal; ~ məqsəd specific aim II. z. concrete(ly); definitely; ~ ifadə etmək to express concretely / def
f. to be* concretized; to be* defined concretely
f. to concretize (d.); to render concrete (d.); to give* concrete expression (to)
f. to become* concrete / definite
i. concreteness
i. bax müsabiqə I
i. 1. concentrated product; qida ~ları food concentrates; 2. k.t. concentrate
s. concentric; ~ çevrələr riyaz. concentric circles