s. (üz) (clean-) shaven; (adam) shorthaired; (qoyun) shorn; ~ yal (at) hog mane; ~ quzu shorn lamb
s. bax qırxıq
i. (alət) shears
f. (baş) to be* cut; (üz) to be* shaved; (qoyun) to be* sheared (shorn)
fs. (baş) cut; (üz) shaved; (qoyun) shorn; ~ qoyun shorn sheep
i. 1. shearing; clipping; 2. clip; the quantity of wool cut from a group of sheep at one time
i. bax qırxım
sy. fortieth; ~ səhifə page forty: ~ nömrə number forty; ~ illər the forties: ~ illərin əvvəllərində in the early forties
I. i. (il dönümü) fortieth anniversary; (ad günü) fortieth birthday; (müddət) forty years II. s. 1. (müddət) (i
s. new-born; ~ uşaq new-born child
f. 1. to shear (d.), to clip (d.); qoyun ~ to shear / to clip sheep; 2. (üzü) to shave: üzünü ~ to shave one’s face: 3
s. (i.s.) of forty years: forty-year-old: ~ adam a man of forty: forty-year-old man
i. extermination, slaughter, massacre
f. to slay (d.), to exterminate (d.), to slaughter (d.)
I. i. av. fighter; amer. pursuit plane II. s. av. fighter; amer. pursuit; ~ aviasiya fighters pl.; fighter aircraft, fighter forces: amer
I. i. fragment, piece, scrap; boşqabın ~ları fragments of the plate; bir ~ çörək a piece of bread; bir ~ qənd a scrap of sugar; bir ~ a piece (of), a
I. s. fragmentary, jerky; ~ söhbət a fragmentary conversation: ~ nitq jerky speech: ~ xətt riyaz. broken line II
i. crumb, leavings; Qırıq-qırtıqları stolun altından süpürün Sweep up the crumbs from under the table
i. garbage, refuse, waste matter, leavings, debris: mətbəx qırıq-quruğu kitchen refuse
s. bax sınıq-salxaq
s. (of things and articles) old; (i.s.) not worthy to be used, out of use
i. 1. jerkiness, brokenness; 2. məc. untrustworthiness
s. fragile, easily broken, brittle
f. d.d. to speak* nonsense, to talk idly, to wag one’s tongue
fi. breaking, break
f. 1. to get* / to be* broken; 2. to be* breakable: Bu vallar tez qırılandır These records are breakable; 3
s. unbreakable; ~ qab-qacaq unbreakable crockery; ~ şüşə unbreakable / safety glass
s. unbreakable, indestructible, inviolable, indissoluble; ~ ittifaq unbreakable union; ~ əlaqə indestructible ties; indissoluble connection; ~ dostluq
i. indissolubility, inviolability, unbreakableness
fs. broken; ~ fincan broken cup; ~ oyuncaq broken toy; ~ qıç broken leg
i. crumbs, leavings; ~nı süpürmək to sweep* up the crumbs / leavings
i. bax qırıq-qırtıq
i. 1. crumb, leavings; çörək ~ları crumbs of bread; cutting: 2. splinter, fragment; mərmi ~sı shell-splinter; şüşə ~sı fragment of glass
I. i. wrinkle: (parçada və s.) crease II. s. bax qırış-qırış
s. wrinkled, puckered; ~ sifət wrinkled face: ~ dəri puckered skin
f. to be* wrinkled / creased / puckered
f. to wrinkle (d.), to pucker (d.), to crease (d.); paltarı ~ to wrinkle a dress: qaşqabağını ~ to pucker (up) one’s brows, to screw one’s face into w
i. bax qırış I
s. bax qırış-qırış
i. the state of being wrinkled / creased
s. (i.s.) without wrinkle / creased; smooth
i. the state of being without wrinkle / smooth
f. to crease, to wrinkle, to break* into wrinkles, to get* wrinkled; Bu parça asanlıqla qırışır This material creases easily
i. d.d. 1. swindler, knave; 2. (bic) rogue
fs. wrinkled, puckered; ~ sifət wrinkled face; ~ dəri puckered skin
I. i. zool. pheasant II. s. pheasant; ~ əti pheasant meat; ~ quyruğu pheasant tail
f. to turn into asphalt, to become* asphalt
f. bax qırlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to asphalt (d.); to ask / to cause smb. to cover (d.) with asphalt
s. asphalted, asphalt ~ damlar asphalted roofs, asphalt roofs