s. wing-shaped
s. bax qanadabənzər
f. məc. to be* inspired / uplifted
f. məc. to inspire (d.); to lend* wings (to); ümidlə ~ to inspire (d.) with hope
f. to acquire wings; məc. to become* / to be* inspired, to be* uplifted
s. winged; (i.s.) having wings; ~ sözlər məc. winged words, catch-words; ~ ifadələr məc. popular expressions; ~ at əs
s. wingless; (i.s.) having no wings
i. tib. bleeding, haemorrhage; burnundan ~ bleeding at the nose, a nosebleed; ~dan ölmək to bleed to death
i. blood-letting, phlebotomy
fi. bleeding, haemorrhage; burun ~sı bleeding at the nose, a nosebleed
f. to bleed; burnu ~ to bleed at the nose; Onun burnu qanayıb His / Her nose is bleeding
f. to bleed (d.); to wound (d.)
i. tib. anaemia, anemia
i. blood money
s. consanguineous; ~ qardaş halfbrother; ~ bacı half-sister
I. i. 1. bitch; 2. spiteful woman / girl; Qancıq, ağzını yum! You bitch, shut your mouth! II. s. bitch; ~ canavar / tülkü / eşşək və s
i. 1. bruise; ~ olana kimi / qədər döymək to beat* black and blue; ~ etmək to bruise (d.); O yıxılıb, dizini qançır etdi He / She fell and bruised his
f. 1. to become* / to get* bruised; 2. (soyuqlamaq) to catch* a bad cold / chill
f. 1. to cause / to ask smb. to bruise (d.); 2. to cause to catch a bad cold / to take* a bad chill
i. shackles pl., irons pl., ayaq ~ı fetters pl.; əl ~ı handcuffs pl., manacles pl.; əlinə ~ vurmaq to put* handcuffs / manacles on smb
i. bax qandal
f. to shackle (d.), to put* shackles / irons / manacles on (d.), to handcuff (d.), to put* handcuff on (d
f. to be* fettered / shackled, to be* put on irons / fetters / manacles
f. to ask / to cause smb. to fetter (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to shackle (d.), to ask / to cause smb
s. (ayağı) fettered, (i.s.) in fetters; (əli) handcuffed, in handcuffs, shackled, (i.s.) in shackles
f. to be* brought to reason, to be*made to see reason; to be* explained
f. to bring* to reason (d.); to make* (d.) see* reason, to cause smb. to understand (d.); to explain (d
i. circulation of the blood
s.: ~ etmək to satisfy (d.), to content (d.); to please (d.); ~ olmaq to be* satisfied / content (with), to content oneself (with); to be* convinced
s. satisfactory; contented; ~ dəlil satisfactory argument; ~nəticə satisfactory result
i. satisfaction; contentedness
i. tib. bleeding, haemorrhage; burundan ~ bleeding at the nose, a nosebleed
s. məc. heartfelt, cordial, kind-hearted, heartful
i. məc. cordiality; kind-heartedness, kindness
I. i. 1. blood lust; 2. satisfaction; ~ vermək to satisfy (d.); ~ olmaq to take* (to), to have* a keen / sharp liking (for); ~ etmək to make* (d
s. sad, downcast, depressed, upset, distressed
i. sadness, upset, depression; ~ salmaq to upset (d.), to put* out (d.)
f. to blood (d.); to make* (d.) keen (on); to give* smb. a taste
s. blood-red
i. 1. bloodthirstiness; 2. liking (for)
f. 1. to become* bloodthirsty, to be* out for blood; 2. to take* (to), to take* a liking (to), to have* a strong liking (for)
f. to become* / to get* bloodthirsty, to be* out for blood
f. 1. to turn back; 2. to be* bent / turned
f. to twist (d.), to wrench (d.); bir kəsin qolunu ~ to twist smb.’s arm
s. 1. zool. cool-blooded; 2. məc. phlegmatic, indifferent (to)
i. cold-bloodedness; indifference
s. məc. nice, attractive, pretty
i. məc. attractiveness, niceness, prettiness
I. i. blood-sucker, parasite; extortioner, vampire II. s. blood-thirsty; bloodminded