s. sad, downcast, depressed, upset, distressed
i. sadness, upset, depression; ~ salmaq to upset (d.), to put* out (d.)
f. to blood (d.); to make* (d.) keen (on); to give* smb. a taste
s. blood-red
i. 1. bloodthirstiness; 2. liking (for)
f. 1. to become* bloodthirsty, to be* out for blood; 2. to take* (to), to take* a liking (to), to have* a strong liking (for)
f. to become* / to get* bloodthirsty, to be* out for blood
f. 1. to turn back; 2. to be* bent / turned
f. to twist (d.), to wrench (d.); bir kəsin qolunu ~ to twist smb.’s arm
s. 1. zool. cool-blooded; 2. məc. phlegmatic, indifferent (to)
i. cold-bloodedness; indifference
s. məc. nice, attractive, pretty
i. məc. attractiveness, niceness, prettiness
I. i. blood-sucker, parasite; extortioner, vampire II. s. blood-thirsty; bloodminded
i. bax qaniçicilik
i. bloodthirstiness
i. loss of blood
i. blood transfusion
i. thistle; Qanqal Şotlandiyanın Milli rəmzidir The thistle is the national sign of Scotland
s. thistly; ~ çöl thistly field; field overgrown with thistle
i. place covered / overgrown with thistle, thistle grove
s. offensive, slighting, wounding; ~ irad slighting remark
s. bax qanqaraldan
s. offence, unpleasantness
i. tib. gangrene, mortification
s. tib. gangrenous; ~ proses mortification
i. bloody-spitting; tib. haemoptysis
s. bloody, sanguinary, bloodstained, murderous; ~ vuruşmalar bloody / sanguinary battles; ~ əllər sanguinary hands; ~ qanunlar sanguinary laws; ~ tari
I. s. bloody, sanguinary, murderous; ~ müharibə illəri bloody / murderous war years II. z. hostilely, with enmity, with animosity, viciously; ~ baxmaq
i.: ~ olmaq to be* deadly enemy / bloody feud, to be* at enmity
f. to understand* (d.), to realize (d.); to know* (d.), to comprehend (d.); ◊ qandığı qrafa olmamaq to be* ignorant, to know* nothing at all
I. i. blockhead, dunderhead, muddle-head II. s. muddle-headed, stupid, slow-witted, dull; ~ adam a stupid / muddle-headed person
z. muddle-headedly, stupidly, rudely; ~ hərəkət etmək to act / to behave stupidly / muddle-headedly
i. muddle-headedness, stupidity, dullness; ~ etmək to act / to behave stupidly; özünü qanmazlığa vurmaq / qoymaq to pretend to be muddle-headed / stup
i. ditch, trench; ~ qazmaq to dig* a trench; Su qanova tökülür The water flows into the ditch
I. i. ditcher II. s.: ~ maşın ditch / trench digger
i. bruise
s. tib. 1. anaemic, anemia; 2. bloodless; ~ dodaqlar bloodless lips; ~ qələbə bloodless victory; 3. (amansız) merciless, pitiless, cruel, ruthless; ~
z. bloodlessly, ruthlessly, mercilessly, without mercy / ruth
f. to be* drained of blood
f. to drain blood (d.), to bleed white (d.); to exsanguinate (d.); məc. to render (d.) lifeless
f. 1. to become* / to get* drained of blood; 2. to lose* one’s blood partly; 3. (amansızlaşmaq) to become* merciless / ruthless / pitiless
i. 1. tib. anaemia; 2. bloodlessness; 3. məc. mercilessness, ruthlessness
i. tib. haemorrhage; beyinə ~ haemorrhage of the brain
i. blood-sucker, parasite
i. blood-thirstiness
i. id. dumb-bells
i. killer, murderer; (qadın) murderess
i. bloodshed
i. law; seçki ~u electoral law; təbiət ~u law of nature; ictimai inkişaf ~u the law of social development; ~un gücü force of law; ~u pozmaq to break*