i. little cup, little bowl
I. i. 1. tract; massif, mountain mass; böyük torpaq ~i huge tracts of land; meşə ~i large tracts of forest; yaşayış ~i housing unit / area / estate; 2
i. 1. mastic, resin, gum; (suvaq) putty, lute; 2. (döşəməni silmək üçün) floor-polish
i. (pair of) tongs; (soba üçün) fireirons, fire-tongs; cərrah ~sı forceps, pincers
nid. Bravo! d.d. Well done!
I. i. 1. machine; 2. məc. machinism; buxar ~ı steam-engine; yanğınsöndürən ~ fire-engine; əyirici ~ spinning frame; tikiş ~ı sewing-machine; ətçəkən ~
i. bax makina
i. machine-builder
I. i. machine building, engineering industry II. s. machine-building; ~ zavodu machine-building plant, engineering-works
f. to sew* with sewing-machine
f. to mechanize (d.)
s. adjuster of machine
i. driver; machinist, enginedriver
i. the man (or a research worker) who studies machines / engines
i. engineering science, theoretical engineering
i. machinist, engineer; d.y. engine-driver, locomotive-driver; amer. engineer; (kömürçıxarma kombaynında) coal-combine operator
i. work / profession of a machinist
i. (şahmat oyununda uduzma) checkmate, mate; ~ elan etmək to mate (d.); ~ olmaq (şahmatda) to lose* (d
i. matı-qutu qurumaq / çəkilmək d.d. to be* astonished; to be* open-mouthed with astonishment / surprise, to be* flabbergasted
z.: ~ baxmaq to look with great astonishment / surprise
z.: ~ qalmaq 1. to puzzle; to bewilder; 2. to be* in a helpless situation
i. matador
i. jewel, gem (ironical), rarity
i. match; dünya birinciliyi uğrunda ~ match for the world title (in), world-title match (in); futbol ~ı football match
i. match-tournament
z. with great surprise; with great astonishment; ~ baxmaq to look at with great astonishment; to view smth
i. 1. material; tikinti ~ı building materials; meşə ~ı timber; ittiham ~ları materials of indictment; 2
i. anonymous author
I. i. materialist II. s. materialistic, materialist; ~ fəlsəfə materialistic philosophy
z. materialistically
i. fəls. materialism; tarixi ~ historical materialism; dialektik ~ dialectical materialism; fəlsəfi ~ philosophical materialism
i. specialist in materials
i. science of defining industry materials
i. mainland, continent
i. matter, substance
I. i. mourning; funeral; ~ə qərq olmaq to go* into mourning; bir kəsə ~ saxlamaq to be* in mourning for smb
s. mourning, sorrowful
i. tex. perforator, gimlet; (böyük) auger; brace
I. i. tar. matriarchy II. s. matriarchal
i. d.d. matriculation certificate
i. poliqr. matrix
f. to make* the matrix (moulds) (of)
I. i. seaman, sailor II. s. seaman’s; ~ köynəyi seaman’s / sailor’s shirt
i. sailor’s jacket
i. seaman’s / sailor’s business / profession / work
i. (tapança növü) Mauser
s. blue, light / pale blue, sky-blue; açıq ~ Cambridge blue; tünd ~ navy / Oxford blue; Səma mavidir
s. blue-eyed; ~ qız blue-eyed girl
f. to get* / to grow* / to become* blue
i. blueness; səmanın / dənizin maviliyi the blueness of the sky / sea