i. bax mərsiyəxan
i. a person reciting elegy
i. 1. floor; storey; birinci ~ ground floor; ikinci ~ first floor; üçüncü ~ second floor; O, üçüncü mərtəbədə yaşayır He / She lives on the second flo
s. storeyed; ikimərtəbəli twostorey( ed); çox ~ bina many-storeyed building
z. subject (to), liable (to); təhlükəyə ~ qalmaq to expose to danger, to run* the danger (of); ~ qalmaq to undergo* (d
i. lecture; hesabat ~si report; elmi ~ lecture (on), address (on); yazılı ~ paper (on); Məruzə olacaqdır A lecture / an address will be delivered A pa
i. speaker, lecturer
i. zool. wood-louse
i. (Eastern-) shoe
i. 1. distance; space, interval, range; 2. railway division; böyük / kiçik ~də at a great / small distance; uzaq ~dən a great way off (from), a great
i. 1. telemetry, range-finder; 2. (adam) range-taker
i. porosity, spongy
s. porous; ~ torpaq porous soil; ~ dəri porous skin
i. porosity, porousness; torpağın məsaməliliyi porosity of soil
i. expense, expenditure; istehsalat ~ləri working expenses, the cost of production; elektrik enerjisi ~ i expenditure of (electric) current; yol ~ləri
i. din. Mosque; cümə ~i the Juma Mosque; Göy ~ the Blue Mosque
I. i. infinitive, infinitive form of the verb II. s. infinitival; ~ birləşməsi infinitival construction
i. saying, proverb, saw; qədim ~ old saying / saw / example / parable; ~ə çevrilmək to become* proverbial; ~ çəkmək to give* an example, to cite an ex
i. 1. problem; riyaz. sum; ~ həll etmək to solve a problem; riyaz. to do* a sum; üstəgəl / çıxma / bölmə / vurma ~si addition / subtraction / division
for example; (ixtisar forması) e.g.; for instance
i. bax masqara
i. bax masqaraçı
i. dwelling; living quarters pl.; abode, home, house, dwelling-house; residence; ~ salmaq to begin* to live (in a place); to build* a house, to settle
s. (i.s.) without home / dwelling; (i.s.) of / with no abode
i. advice, counsel; (hüquqi) opinion, consultation; həkim ~i medical advice / consultation, doctor’s consultation; onun ~i ilə according to his / her
i. 1. adviser, counsellor; texniki ~ technical adviser; 2. (vəzifə) counsellor; səfarətxana ~si counsellor of the Embassy 3
i. consulting room; hüquq ~sı legal advice office; uşaq ~sı children’s clinic / welfare centre; qadın ~sı maternity welfare clinic / centre
f. to consult (d.), to seek* advice / counsel (from), to ask advice (of); to talk things over (with); d
i. idea, persuasion; siya. ~ political convictions; ~lə hərəkət etmək / iş görmək to act according to one’s persuasion; ~ini dəyişmək to take* a diffe
i. like-minded person, person of like mind, person holding the same views, person having identical ideas / opinions; O, bizim məsləkdaşımızdır He / Sh
s. (i.s.) having an idea; convinced, confirmed, persuaded; ~ adam a man of principles
s. (i.s.) devoid of principles and ideals, (i.s.) lacking both principles and ideals; (i.s.) having no principles or ideals, (i
i. absence / lack / of principles and ideals, unprincipled character and lack of ideals, unscrupulousness
i. ədəb. distich, couplet
i. expense, expenditure; ~ etmək 1) to spend* (d.); to expend* (d.); to waste; 2) to use (d.), to make* use (of)
s. drunk, tipsy, intoxicated; ~ olmaq 1) to be* drunk; 2) məc. to enjoy smth. greatly; O, məstdir He / She is drunk; d
s. intoxicating; heady; ~ şərab heady wine
i. drunkenness, intoxication
I. s. 1. happy; 2. fortunate, lucky; ~ olmaq to be* happy / lucky II. z. happily, luckily; ~ yaşamaq to live happily / luckily
s. responsible; ~ redaktor editor responsible; ~ işçi executive, senior official; ~ olmaq to hold* responsibility (for); ~ an / vaxt crucial point; ~
i. responsibility; (hüquq) amenability; ~i öz üzərinə götürmək to take* up on oneself / assume the responsibility (for); nəyəsə ~ daşımaq to bear* res
s. responsible; ~ adam responsible man*; ~ olmaq to be responsible
I. s. irresponsible; ~ adam irresponsible man*; ~ hərəkət irresponsible action II. z. irresponsibly; ~ hərəkət etmək to act irresponsibly; to play fas
z. irresponsibly
i. irresponsibility; ~ etmək to show irresponsibility
s. innocent, guiltless, sinless; ~ körpə sinless baby
i. innocence, guiltlessness
i. trouble, suffering, torture, torment; ~ çəkmək to worry (about), to feel* unhappy (about); to take* pains / trouble (over)
s. hard, painful, distressing; burdensome; ~ həyat hard life
i. 1. torch; 2. torch-light procession