i. 1. miner 2. (dəniz) torpedoman*
i. verbena
I. f. to enamel (d.); (qabları) to glass (d.) II. f. to mine (d.), to lay / to plant mines
I. s. enamelled; ağ ~ white-enamelled; qara ~ black-enamelled; ~ qazan enamel saucepan II. s. mined; ~ ərazi mined area, mine-field
i. minaret (tower in the mosque, mosque tower)
I. s. enamelless, (i.s.) without enamel II. s. mineless, (i.s.) without mine
i. military leader (in the armies of ancient times)
i. din. pulpit
sy. one in a thousand
s. liar, fibber; (qadın) fibster; ~ olmaq to be* a liar / a fibber; (qadın) to be* a fibster
f. to seat (d.); bir kəsi ata ~ to mount s.o. on a horse
I. i. mineral II. s. mineral; ~ sular mineral waters; ~ duz mineral salt; ~ yağ mineral oil
i. minerology
i. gratitude, thankfulness; ~ bildirmək to thank; to express one’s gratitude to; Mən sizə öz dərin minnətdarlığımı bildirirəm I want to express my gra
s. 1. miniature; 2. (lap kiçik) tiny, diminutive; ~də bir şeyin modelini düzəltmək to make* a miniature model of smth
i. miniature-painter, miniaturist
i. diminutiveness
i. rider, horseman, (ixtisas üzrə) jockey; (velosiped) cyclist; pis ~ poor rider
i. art of riding
I. i. 1. vehicle; 2. boarding; (gəmiyə) embarkation; Minik (qatara, təyyarəyə) hələ başlanmayıb The passengers are not yet allowed to board (the train
s. 1. a thousand years pl., millennium; a century; 2. (ildönümü) thousandth anniversary
s. minimal; ~ miqdar minimal quantity; ~ hissə minimal part
i. minimalism
s. minimum; ~ əmək haqqı minimum wages; texniki ~ minimum of technical knowledge; ~ həddinə çatdırmaq to minimize (d
sy. (the) thousandth
sy. thousands of, of many thousands; ~ adam a crowd of many thousands; crowd running into thousands
f. 1. to take* (d.); (gəmiyə, maşına və s.) to board, to get* in; Mən Moskvaya gedən qatara minməliyəm I must take the train to Moscow; O, bu tramvaya
i. 1. request, solicit (for); 2. favour, service, boom; Bunu mən böyük minnət hesab edirəm I regard it as a favour; ~ qoymaq to reproach for service /
i. intercessor; agent, solicitor
i. intercession; ~ etmək to solicit (for); bir kəs üçün ~ etmək to intercede for smb. / on smb.’s behalf
s. grateful, thankful; ~ olmaq to be* grateful / thankful
i. mortar, trench mortar; qvardiya ~u rocket barrage weapon, multi-rail rocket launcher, rocket-truck
i. mortar man
i. dən. torpedo-boat; eskadrilya ~u destroyer
mus. minor key; sol ~ qamması scale of G minor, G minor scale
i. 1. riyaz. minus; 2. defect, drawback
i. bax təhər
i. tib. myocardium
i. tib. myocarditis
i. tib. myology
i. tib. myologist
i. geol. Miocence
i. distributor of water
i. mirage, optical illusion
i. inheritance, legacy; heritage; keçmişin ~ı the heritage of the past
i. clothes of a deadman (or a deadwoman)
I. i. pearl(s) pl.; xırda ~ seed-pearls; ~ axtaran a pearldiver; ~ çıxarmaq / yığmaq to fish for pearls; to pearl II
i. 1. educated man*; 2. clerk, secretary; teacher
i. mus. tune (Azerbaijani dance music)
I. i. copper; sarı ~ brass; yellow copper; qırmızı ~ cuprite; red copper; vərəq ~ copper sheets pl. II