i. 1. durability; solidity, firmness, strength; tenacity; 2. steadiness, steadfastness, stableness; 3
i. term, date; postponement, delay; respite; son ~ the last term / date; ~ vermək to grant a delay; ~ almaq to be* granted a delay; hərbi xidmətdən ~
i. 1. torture, torment, suffering; grief, sorrow; 2. trouble, difficulty, burden; 3. misfortune, calamity
s. 1. industrious, diligent; 2. calamitous, disastrous; 3. martyr; ~ olmaq to make a martyr of oneself
s. 1. needy, indigent; ~ qoymaq / etmək to reduce (d. to), to drive* (d. into) need / indigent; ~ olmaq to need (d
i. need, want, indigence, poverty; ~ içində yaşamaq to live in poverty
I. i. speculator, profiteer II. s. speculative, profiteering
i. speculation, profiteering; jobbery
s. honourable; respectable; respected; (müraciətdə, məktubda) dear; ~ qonaq guest of honour
s. mighty, grandiose, grand; (böyük) immence; ~ nahar mighty dinner; ~ saray an immense palace; ~ bina (tikili) grandiose building; ~ planlar far-reac
i. seal, stamp; ~ basmaq / vurmaq bax möhürləmək, dövlət ~ great / state seal
f. 1. to set* / to affix / to attach a seal (to); 2. to seal up (d.), to apply the seal (to); to make* / to set* a seal
f. to be* sealed, to be* fixed by a seal
f. bax möhürlətmək
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to seal (d.)
s. sealed; ~ məktub sealed letter
i. din. devout, pious; ~ olmaq to be* devout / pious
i. din. piousness, devoutness
s. 1. reliable, trusty, worthy; 2. respected, esteemed; ~ adam worthy man; respected man / person
i. reliability, trustfulness, worthiness; ~ göstərmək to display reliability / trustfulness
s. 1. moderate; frugal; 2. kim. neutral
f. to become* / to get* moderate
i. moderation, moderateness; temperance; frugality
i. bracket; kvadratşəkilli / orta ~lər square brackets; girdə ~ (round) brackets, parentheses; fiqurlu ~ braces; ~də in brackets; ~ni açmaq / bağlamaq
s. on hand, ready, available; ~ olma existence; ~ olmaq to be*, to exist, to live; ~ olan existing; ~ olan hər şey everything that exists
i. existence, life; materiyanın ~ forması form(s) of the existence of matter
s. 1. fanatic(al); 2. imaginary, mythical, superstitious
i. superstition, fanatism, prejudice
i. superstitious person
i. 1. position, situation, whereabouts; amer. location; coğrafi ~ geographical situation; amer. geographical location; ~ tutmaq to take* a position; t
i. season (of the year); ilin dörd ~ü the four seasons of the year; biçin ~ü harvest (-time)
i. d.d. seasonal worker
s. seasonal, season; ~ işçi ~ seasonal worker; ~ bilet season ticket; amer. commutation ticket
i. 1. for a season, seasonal; 2. seasonal prevalence
i. subject, topic, theme; elmi tədqiqat ~su subject of scientific research; məruzənin ~su subject of a report; günün ~sunda on topical subject
i. 1. muff; 2. tex. coupling, clutch, muff, sleeve; kabel ~ı cable box
i. eastern melody / tune
i.: ~ olmaq to look after (d.), to take* care (of), to keep* an eye on; Uşaqdan muğayat olun Look after the child, Take care of the child
I. i. autonomy, self-government; independent II. s. autonomous; ~ vilayət autonomous region; ~ respublika autonomous republic
i. autonomy
i. mulatto
i. tex. mould
I. i. making of animated cartoon II. s.: ~ filmi animated cartoon
i. 1. animated cartoon artist / actor; 2. fot. multiplying camera
i. wax, beewax; ~la sürtmək / ovuşdurmaq to wax (d.); dağ ~u mineral wax; (elmi) ozokerit(e), (ozocerit)
i. mummy; ~ya döndərmək to mummify (d.); ~ya dönmək to get* mummified; to become* mummy
f. to embalm (d.), to mummify (d.)
f. to be* embalmed; to become embalmed
f. bax mumiyalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to embalm (d.)