f. to start to sweat / to get damp
i. salt-cellar
i. water mixed with salt
s. bax nəm
f. 1. to become* damp / moist (d.); 2. to cause to get damp / moist (d.); 3. to start / to begin* to drizzle
f. to become* damp / moist
f. to cause (d.) to get damp / moist, to make* (d.) damp / moist
s. damp, moist, humid
i. 1. dampness, humidity; 2. damp / moist place
f. to get* / to become* damp; to be* damped / moistened
f. bax nəmlətmək
f. bax nəmlənmək
f. to humidify (d.), to moist (d.); to cause to become (d.) damp (with), to moisten (d.with); to sprinkle (d
s. damp, moist; humid; ~ iqlim damp climate; ~ hava damp weather; ~ otaq a damp room; ~ gözlər liquid eyes; tearfilled eyes; ~ gün a humid day
i. dampness; humidity; moisture; Nəmliyə görə işləmək çətindir It’s difficult to work because of the humidity
i. bax nəmlik
s. (i.s.) without damp / moisture
i. the state of being without damp / moisture
s. dampish, slight damp
i. grandmother, grandmamma, grandma; d.d. granny
i. uş.d. granny
i. bax nənəcan
i. hammock
I. i. 1. male camel; 2. məc. brave / courageous man*, brave spirit II. s. məc. brave, courageous
i. ladder; kəndir ~ rope-ladder; açılıb-yığılan ~ steps pl., step-ladder
I. i. zool. sturgeon; Xəzər ~si Caspian sturgeon II. i. roar; whooping; bellow; ~ çəkmək to roar, to give* a roar; to growl
i. bot. narcissus (pl. cissi, -es); (sarısı) daffodil
f. to roar, to give* a roar; to bellow
f. to roar all together, to give* a roar together; to bellow together
f. to cause s.o. to roar / to give a roar
i. roar, roaring; bellow, growl
i. roar and thunder
s. (i.s.) with roar / bellow
I. i. softy, molly-coddle; (kişi) fine gentleman*; (qadın) fine lady II. s. delicate; soft; (kişi) effeminate; touchy; (ərköyün) coddled, pampered; ~
i. delicacy, softness; (kişi) effeminacy; touchiness
əv. something, anything; Burada nəsə düz deyil Something is wrong here
i. lot, share, one’s lot in life; destiny, fate, fortune; ~ olmaq to have* occasion (+to inf.); Onu görmək bizə nəsib oldu We had occasion to see him
i. 1. admonition; moral admonition; exhortation; 2. lesson; ~ vermək to exhort (d.), to moralize (d.); to admonish (d
s. admonishing, exhortative, admonitory; didactic; moralizing; ~ irad admonitory remarks; ~ söhbət admonitory talk
z. bax nəsihətyana
i. the quality of being admonishing / admonitory / didactic
i. one who gives admonitions
i. the act of giving admonitions
s. bax nəsihətamiz
i. a paper / a book dealing with admonitions
z. admonishingly, didactically
i. family, kith; kith and kin; generation; stock; O, yaxşı nəsildəndir He / She comes of good stock
z. from generation to generation
z. bax nəsilbənəsil
s. hereditary; by birth; ~ nəciblik nobility by birth; ~ xəstəlik hereditary disease