i. target; shooting-mark; (nişan atılan yer) shooting-range
f. 1. to sign (d.); 2. (silahla) to aim at; 3. (nişan taxmaq) to betroth (d.)
f. to betroth (d.)
f. to be* engaged / betrothed (to)
I. i. betrothed; ~lar the betrothed II. s. 1. signed, marked; 2. engaged; ~ oğlan fiancy; fr. engaged fellow; ~ qız engaged girl; fiancye fr
s. 1. signless, (i.s.) without a sign / mark; 2. (i.s.) without a badge
i. the state of being without a sign / a mark
i. starch
f. to starch (d.)
f. to be* starched
f. to ask / to cause smb. to starch (d.)
s. starchy; starched; ~ köynək starched shirt; boiled shirt; ~ yaxalıq stiff / starched collar
s. starchless; (i.s.) without starch
f. to become* / to get* starchless / without starch
i. the quality or the state of being starchless / without starch
I. i. 1. speech; şifahi ~ oral speech; yazılı ~ written speech; 2. enunciation; aydın ~ distinct / clear enunciation; 3
i. kim. nitrate
f. to be* nitrated
f. to nitrate (d.)
i. kim. nitride
i. 1. supplication, entreaty; ~ etmək to entreat for; to ask as a favour; ~ verən supplicant, suppliant; 2
əv. why, why not?! Siz niyə gəlmədiniz? Why didn’t you come?
i. resolve; intention; formal resolve to perform some (religious) act; ~ etmək to resolve; ~ ilə... with the intention of
z. with the intention, intentionally
s. intentional, on purpose
s. intentionless; (i.s.) without intention
i. the state of being without intention
i. order; ~a salmaq to put* in order; özünü ~a salmaq to tidy oneself up, to set* oneself to rights; evi ~a salmaq to put* one’s house in order; ~a qo
i. 1. discipline; əmək ~ı labour discipline; məktəb ~ı school discipline; möhkəm ~ strict / firm discipline; ~ yaratmaq to establish discipline; 2
i. regulator
s.: ~ ordu the regular / standing army
z.: ~ yerimək to march, to walk with regular steps
fi. regulation, adjustment; küçə hərəkətini ~ traffic control
f. to regulate (d.), to adjust (d.)
f. to be* / to get* regulated, to become* adjusted
f. to be* adjusted / regulated (by)
f. bax nizamlamaq
f. to become* regulated / adjusted, to get* regulated
f. bax nizamlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to regulate (d.) / to adjust (d.)
i. tex. regulator; (buxar maşınında) governor; cərəyan ~sı current regulator
s. regulated; in order
s. disciplined; ~ olmaq to be* disciplined
i. regulations pl., statutes pl.; charter, manual; partiya ~si Party Rules pl. BMT-nin ~si UNO Charter, Charter of the United Nations; hərbi ~ trainin
s. disorderly; in disorder, irregular
i. disorderliness; slovenliness; irregularity
i. spear, lance; ~ atma id. javelin throwing
i. spearman*
f. to spear (d.), to wound with a spear (d.)
f. to be* speared, to be* wounded with a spear