i. the state or quality of being measureless / limitless / boundless
s. measurable; ~ məsafə measurable distance
s. 1. immeasurable, countless, (dərinlik) fathomless; dənizin ~ dərinliyi fathomless depths of the sea; ~ sahə / məkan immeasurable space; ~ miqdar co
f. to kill (d.); to murder (d.); (siyasi motivə görə) to assassinate (d.); adam ~ to kill a man*, tülkü ~ to kill a fox; Dərd məni öldürür Grief is ki
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to kill (d.); (siyasi motivə görə) to ask / to cause s.o. to assassinate (d
f. bax öldürtdürmək
s. killing, murderous, fatal, mortal; ~ şaxta killing frost; ~ yara mortal wound; ~ zərbə fatal / mortal / murderous blow / stroke
f. to be* killed; (qəsdən) to be* murdered; (siyasi motivə görə) to be* assassinated
z. hardly, with difficulty; bir işi ~ etmək to do* some job with difficulty
s. 1. dead (-ened); numb; tib. necrotic, half dead; 2. sickly, puny; apathetic; weak, unhealthy-looking; (bitki) undergrown
f. to cause smb. to become / to grow sickly / puny / weak; (bitki) to cause smth. to become undergrown / to get withered
f. 1. to become* sickly / puny / stunted / apathetic; 2. (bitki) to become* withered / undergrown
i. languor, inertia, apathy, listlessness; (əzələ) flabbiness
i. land, country; bütün ~də all over the country; doğma ~ native land; bizim ~də in our country; asılı ~ dependent country; müstəmləkə ~ləri colonial
i. regional ethnographer
I. i. regional ethnography, country study II. s. regional; ~ muzeyi museum of regional ethnography
f. to die; to fade, to wither, to lose* freshness; to suffer great grief or anxiety; to pass away, to be* dead; (hiss və s
s. 1. worth dying; O ölməlidir He / She is worth dying; 2. evil, wicked
s. immortal, undying, unfading, deathless; ~ şöhrət deathless / immortal fame; ~ şərəf undying / unfading glory
i. immortality; Nizami poeziyasının ölməzliyi The immortality of Nizami’s poetry
s. dead; faded, defunct; ~ adam a dead man*; ~ xala defunct aunt; ~ bitki a dead plant; ~ məhəbbət dead love; ~ iş a dead matter; ~ fikir / ideya a de
I. i. corpse, dead man*, dead body, the deceased, the defunct; ~lər və dirilər the dead and the living II
f. to fight* to death; to kill or to be* killed
s. dead; ~ kefli dead drunk; ~ yorğun dead tired
i. morgue, mortuary, dead-house
I. i. 1. death; decease, demise; təbii ~ natural death; ~dən xilas etmək to save fromdeath; vaxtsız ~ prematurely / untimely death; ~ün pəncəsində olm
I. s. life-and-death; fierce fight; ~ mübarizəsi life and death struggle, struggle for existence II. z
s. ~ dünyası the transitory world
z. anyhow, somehow; with great difficulty
I. s. mortal, deadly, fatal; ~ yara mortal wound II. z. half-dead; more dead than alive; ~ yaralanmaq to be* deadly wounded; ~ olmaq to be* half-dead,
i. the state of being halfdead / seriously ill
s. ~ dünya transitory world; ~ gün hard time / life
z. 1. to death, mortally; ~ döymək to beat* smb. to death, to beat* unmercifully, to give*smb. a terrible beating; amer
i. looter, marauder, pillager
i. looting, pillage, marauding; ~ etmək to loot, to pillage, to maraud
f. (bitki) to fade, to wither, to droop; məc. to waste away
f. to cause smth. to become faded / withered
I. i. an irresolute person II. s. irresolute, languid, listless, inert; awkward; ~ adam an irresolute person III
i. irresolution, inertness, listlessness, awkwardness
i. bax mürdəşir
z. never, never in one’s life; Ömründə o bunu yaddan çıxartmaz He’ll / She’ll never forget it, He’ll / She’ll not forget it as long as he / she lives
i. life; ~ etmək / sürmək to live; ömrü uzunu / boyu lifelong, as long as one lives; ömrünü çürütmək to run* one’s life; Ömrün uzun olcun May your lif
i. bax ömür
z. bax ömründə
s. life, for life, lifelong; ~ təqaüd life pension; ~ həbs imprisonment for life, lifetime imprisonment; ~ katorqa penal servitude for life; ~ dost li
i. longevity, life long
s. short-lived; unstable, not firm
i. the state of being short-lived / not firm / unstable
s. front; ~ qapı front door; ~ dişlər front teeth; ~ cərgə front row; ~ saitlər front vowels; ~ hissə front section, forepart
z. in advance, in good time, ahead, ahead of time; ilk ~ first of all, in the very first place; ~dən beforehand, first of all, in advance