fi. heating, warming; otağın ~sı heating of the room
f. to be* heated / warmed
i. tib. 1. temperature; bir kəsin ~sını ölçmək to take* smb.’s temperature; yüksək ~sı olmaq to have* / to run* a high temperature; 2
i. fever
I. f. to have* a temperature, to be* in a fever II. f. to heat (d.), to warm (d.); to keep* warm (d.), to heat up (d
s. 1. (i.s.) having temperature; feverish; ~ olmaq to have* a temperature; 2. malarial
i. thermometer
s. (i.s.) without temperature, (i.s.) having no temperature; temperatureless
f. to ask / to cause smb. to heat (d.) / to warm (d.)
I. s. 1. hot, red-hot, heated; ~ döyüş / vuruş hot / heated fight / battle; ~ müzakirə hot / red-hot / heated discussion; 2
z. 1. hotly, passionately; 2. intensively; 3. sexually
f. 1. to become* / ardent / passionate; 2. to become* intensive / intense; 3. to become* / to grow* sexy
i. 1. hotness, heat; 2. ardour, hot temper; fury, rage; passion; 3. sexiness, sex appeal, sexuality, sexual excitement
s. bax qızxasiyyətli
s. girlish; timid; bashful
f. 1. to become* / to get* sexually excited; 2. (heyvan) to be* on heat
I. i. gold; xalis ~ pure gold; ~ dan qayrılmış made of gold; ~ axtarmaq to prospect for gold, to dig* for gold; ◊ ürəyi ~ olmaq to have* a heart of go
z. openly, frankly, bluntly, tartly, right; ~ demək to say* frankly / openly; to tell* roundly
I. i. bot. alder (-tree) II. s. bot. alder; ~ meşəsi alder wood / forest
i. alder grove, alder thickets pl
i. gold-prospector; gold-digger
I. i. tib. scarlet fever, scarlatina II. s. tib. scarlatinal, scarlatinous
i. zool. salmon
i. tar. a military class in the army of Shah Ismail
i. tib. measles; ~ çıxartmaq to be* ill with measles
s. (i.s.) ill with measles; ~ uşaq a child ill with measles
s. (i.s.) with gold teeth, (i.s.) having gold teeth
s. bax qızıldiş
I. i. bot. rose II. s. rose; ~ kolu rose-bush; ~ yağı attar (of roses)
i. rose grove, rose bush
i. zool. trout
s. golden, goldish; ~ saç golden hair
i. zool. flamingo
i. zool. falcon
fi. gilding
f. gild (d.)
f. to be* gilded, to be* covered with a thin coat of gold
f. to become* golden; to shine* golden
f. bax qızıllatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to gild (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to cover (d.) with a thin coat of gold
s. 1. gold; gold-bearing; ~ sahə goldfield; 2. (i.s.) having much gold
s. golden-haired
s. bax qızılsaç
i. bot. pussy willow, silver willow
s. (i.s.) having the Red Star, (i.s.) with the Red Star
f. bax qızdırmaq II
I. f. to warm oneself; to get* warm; günəşdə ~ to bask in the sun, to sun oneself II. f. to entrust, to intrust (d
f. to grudge (d.), to begrudge (d.), to be* spare (of); to stint (d.); Qızırqalanma, nə istəyirsən götür Don’t stint yourself, take all you want
f. to be* sparring (of), to skimp (d.), to stint (d.)
f. bax qızırqalanmaq