s. bax qısaboy
s. short-horned
s. bax qısabuynuz
I. s. shortish, rather short, dwarfish; ~ və aydın brief and to the point II. z. shortish, briefly; O, qısaca danışdı He / She spoke briefly; Qısaca d
s. short-wave: ~ qəbuledici rad. short-wave receiver
s. short-winged
s. bax qısaqanad
i. fiz. short circuit
s. short-legged
s. bax qısaqıç
s. 1. short-armed; 2. (i.s.) with short sleeve; ~ paltar a dress with short sleeves
s. bax qısaqol
s. bax qısaqulaqlı
s. short-eared
s. short-tailed; (i.s.) with short tail
s. bax qısaquyruq
fi. 1. shortening; (mətndə) abridgiment (abridgement); iş gününün ~sı shortening of the working day; 2
f. 1. to be* shortened; 2. (mətn) to be* abridged; 3. (söz) to be* abbreviated; 4. riyaz. to be* cancelled Bu hekayə qısaldılıb This story has been ab
fs. shortened, contracted; abbreviated; ~ forma contracted / shortened / abbreviated form; ~ çümlə contracted sentence; ~ iş günü shortened working da
f. bax qısaltdırmaq
i. shortness; səyahətin qısalığı shortness of the trip; ~ xatirinə for shortness’s sake
f. to become* short; to grow* shorter; shrink; Qışda günlər qısalır Days become shorter in winter; yuyulandan sonra ~ shrink after laundering; Günlər
s. shortened, contracted, abbreviated; riyaz. cancelled
f. to ask / to cause smb. to shorten (d.); to ask / to cause smb. to abbreviate (d.); (mətni) to ask / to cause smb
fi. 1. shortening; (mətni) abridg(e)ment; iş gününü ~ shortening of the working day; 2. (azalma) cutting down; curtailment down; curtailment; reductio
f. to shorten (d.), to cut* short (d.), to curtail (d.), (kitabı, nitqi və s.) to abbreviate (d.), to abridge (d
s.: ~ film short film; d.d. a short
s. short-term, momentary; (i.s.) of short duration; ~ tətil short-term strike; ~ fasilə momentary pause
I. s. shortish, dwarfish II. z. shortly, briefly, in brief
s. short-haired; (i.s.) with short hair
s. bax qısasaç
ara s. in short, briefly; Uzun sözün qısası... To cut a long story short..
s. bax qısatük
s. short-maned; (i.s.) with short mane
s. bax qısayal
s. bax qısayun
s. 1. (səs və s.) choking; constrained; ~ davranış constrained manner / behaviour; 2. timid; ~ adam a timid man*
i. 1. constraint; 2. timidity
z. confusedly, timidly, constrainedly; ~ danışmaq to speak* confusedly / timidly
f. 1. to press oneself close (to), to draw* closer (to); to cuddle up / together; to stand* / to sit* close (to); bir-birinə ~ to stand* / to sit* clo
s. 1. oppressed, kept down; 2. strained; embarrassed; confused
f. to be* embarrassed, to feel* shy, to be* ashamed (of); Mən heç kimdən qısınmıram Nobody can make me shy / nervous
i. constraint; uneasiness; confusion, embarrassment
I. i. barrener II. s. barren, dry; ~inək a dry / barren cow
f. to be* dry / barren, to become* dry / barren
i. barrenness, dryness
I. i. zool. earwing II. i. tex. clamp (-iron) clutch; clip; (crampon, staple)
s. (i.s.) with clamp / clutch; (i.s.) with clip