s. unfurnished; ~ otaq unfurnished room
i. medal; “Əmək igidliyinə görə medal” Medal for Labour Valour; “Əməkdə fərqləndiyinə görə medal” Medal for Distinction in Labour; ◊ ~ın digər üzü the
s. medal winner; (i.s.) carrying medal(s)
i. medallion; locket
i. zool. meduse
i. (light) breeze; yaz ~i spring breeze; ~ əsmək to blow* the breeze
s. windy, breezing
i. guest; visitor; ~ olmaq to be* on a visit (to), to be* a guest
I. i. hotel; inn II. s.: ~ sahibi hotel-keeper, innkeeper, hotel-proprietor; ~ direktoru director of the hotel
i. hotel-proprietor, hotelkeeper; innkeeper
i. marriage; ~ salmaq to love
i. 1. alter; 2. (məsciddə) sanctuary
s. 1. affectionate, tender, sweet, kind; ~ uşaq affectionate child; ~ baxış tender look; ~ sözlər tendering words; ~ ailə united family; ~ qadın kind
z. friendly, kindly, tenderly
f. to be* kind, to be* friend (with); to be* on friendly terms (with); to become* friends (with); to be* affectionate / tender / sweet
i. kindness, affectionateness, tenderness, sweetness
z. cordially, tenderly, kindly
i. groom, stable man*; (karvansarada) ostler; amer. hostler
i. chief groom, chief stableman*
i. stable-man’s work; ~ etmək to be* a groom
i. axis (pl. axes); maqnit ~i magnetic axis; yerin ~i axis of the equator, terrestrial axis
i. mechanical engineer, mechanician; maşınlara nəzarət edən ~ mechanic, operator
i. mechanics; nəzəri ~ theoretical mechanics; tətbiqi ~ applied mechanics; bərk maddələrin ~sı mechanics of rigid bodies
I. s. 1. mechanical; 2. powerdriven; ~ avadanlıq machinery II. s. mechanical; ~ hərəkətlər mechanical movement(s) III
s. mechanized; ~ kənd təsərrüfatı mechanized agriculture
i. mechanization
f. to mechanize (d.)
f. to be* / to become* mechanized
f. mechanization
i. 1. mechanization expert; 2. machine-operator; kənd təsərrüfatında ~ kadrları machine-operators in agriculture
i. mechanism; gear(ing); machinery; saat ~i clock work; qaldırıcı ~ hoisting / lifting gear; hərb. elevating gear; ötürücü ~ transmission gear / mecha
s. Mexican; ~ dili the Mexican language
s. Mexican; ~ olmaq to be* a Mexican
i. land-reclamation, landimprovement
s. land-reclamation, landimprovement; ~ tədbirlər land-reclamation measures
i. specialist in land-reclamation
s. melodious, tuneful
i. science on melody
s. melody, tune
i. melodiousness, tunefulness
I. i. melodrama II. s. melodrama
s. melodramatic
i. melodramatism
I. i. architect II. s. architectural, architective
i. architecture-in-chief
I. i. architecture II. s. architectural
i. fiz. membrane; tex. diaphragm
i. memorandum (pl. -da, -dums)
s. memorial; ~ lövhə memorial plaque
i. ədəb. memoir