I. i. stomach II. s. stomachal, gastric ~ xəstəlikləri gastric disease; ~ şirəsi fiziol. gastric juice; ~ yarası stomach ulcer; ~ xorası gastric ulcer
i. gastroenterostomy
s.: ~ vəzi anat. pancreas
i. help, assistance, aid; ~ vermək to help (d.), to assist (d.), to aid (d.); Mədəd səndən! Help me, please!
i. mine, field; qızıl ~i gold-fields, gold mines; neft ~i oil-field; duz ~i saltmine( s); kömür ~ləri coal-mines, coal-pits
i. miner; owner of a metallurgical works
i. mining and metallurgical work; mining work
s. 1. cultural; civilized; ~ səviyyə standards of culture; ~ inkişaf cultural advance; ~ inqilab cultural revolution; maddi və ~ səviyyəni yaxşılaşdır
s.: ~ iş cultural and mass work among people
s. cultural and educational; ~ müəssisələri cultural and educational establishements / institutions
s. cultural and welfare; ~ xidməti (provision of) cultural and welfare facilities; ~ müəssisəsi public amenities
s. cultural and professional; ~ səviyyə cultural and professional standards (pl.)
s. educating, cultivating
f. to be* cultured, to become* cultured / civilized
f. to civilize (d.)
f. to become* / to get* civilized
I. i. culture; ~ yaymaq to civilize (d.); nitq ~i speech habits (pl.); gündəlik həyat ~i culture in every day life II
s. cultured, cultivated, educated; ~ adam a cultured person, a man* of culture; yüksək ~ adam highly cultured man*
I. s. uneducated, uncivilized; ~ adam uneducated / uncivilized man* II. z. in an uncultured / uncivilized way
i. lack of culture; bad manners; low level of civilization; cultural backwardness
i. civilizer
i. praising, laudation; eulogy; ~ etmək to eulogize, to belaud (d.), to extol (d.); to sing* a song of praise
i. praising poems, ode
i. religious school of Mussulmen
s. 1. waiting (for); expecting; 2. need of; 3. not knowing what to do; ~ qalmaq / olmaq 1) to be* in need of; 2) to be* upset; not to know what to do;
i. idea, notion; concept
i. ideology, idea; social ideas; hakim ~ prevailing idea; ~ uğrunda mübarizə aparmaq to fight for an idea / ideology
s.: ~ adam high principled man*, man* with firm ideological principles
s. ideological, (high) – principled; ~ rəhbərlik ideological leadership
i. holdall
i. wire, wiring
s. (i.s.) with wires, (i.s.) having wires
s. (i.s.) without wire, (i.s.) having no wire
I. i. admirer, worshipper II. s. charmed, passionate, captivated, in love with, enamoured (of); ~ etmək to charm (d
z. charmingly, fascinatingly, delightfully; passionately
s. charming, delightful; fascinating, captivating; ~ gənc xanım a charming young lady
i. charm, fascination, adoration; captivity
əd. (sual və inkar-sual cümlələrində, adətən ingilis dilinə tərcümə olunmur) Məgər o onları görməyib? Has he / she not seen them? Məgər onları tanımır
s. defeated, vanquished; ~ etmək to defeat, to vanquish (d.); to overcome; ~ olmaq 1) to be* defeated, to suffer / to sustain a defeat; 2) (oyunda) to
s. invincible, unconquerable; ~ ordu invincible army
i. invincibility
i. defeat; tam ~ utter defeat; ~ə düçar etmək to defeat (d.), to inflict a defeat (on); ~ə uğramaq to suffer / to sustain a defeat, to be* defeated
s. 1. deceived; 2. deprived; ~ etmək 1) to deceive; 2) to deprive; ~ olmaq 1) to be* deceived; 2) to lose (d
i. West
I. s. haughty, proud; overweening; majestic; ~ kişi proud man* II. z. proudly; ~ danışmaq to speak* proudly
z. proudly, overweeningly
z. proudly; overweeningly
f. to be* proud (of), to take* pride (in); (öyünmək) to pride oneself (upon)
i. pride, haughtiness, arrogance, supercilousness; high and mighty; ambition; (öyünmə) boasting
i. 1. kernel; 2. essense, main point; işin ~i the point of the matter; ~ etibarilə virtually, at the bottom, in the main; Məğzi ondan ibarətdir ki