fi. division into districts
f. to be* districted, to be* divided into districts
fs. (i.s.) divided into districts
f. to divide into districts (d.), to district (d.)
s. 1. (i.s.) with districts, (i.s.) having districts; 2. (rayonda yaşayan) districtdweller, countryman*, countryfolk
I. s. satisfied (with), content (with), contented, pleased; özündən ~ self satisfied; d.d. smug; ~ baxış a contented / pleased look; ~ təbəssüm (razıl
f. to be* submitted to smb.’s approval; to be* co-ordinated
fs. co-ordinated, (pre) concerted; ~ mətn agreed text
fi. concordance, agreement
f. to co-ordinate (d. with); bir şeyi bir kəslə ~ to submit smth. to smb.’s approval; to come* to an agreement with smb
fi. 1. agreement, understanding; 2. (müqavilə) agreement, covenant
f. 1. to consent (to smth.), to agree (to smth.), to assent (to smth.); 2. (kiminləsə, fikirlə) to agree (with smth
i. 1. consent, assent, smugness; öz razılığını vermək to give* one’s consent; ümumi ~la by common consent; qarşılıqlı ~ mutual consent; razılığa gəlmə
i. bot. anise
i. anise grove, the place where anise grows
i. d.y. passing-track; double-track section
i. 1. kim. siya. reaction; 2. bax irtica
I. i. kim. reagent II. s. reactive; reaction; ~ kağız kim. reagent paper, test-paper; ~ mühərrik jet engine; ~ mərmi mortar rocket; ~ təyyarə jet plan
i. reactivity
i. reactor; ~un işini tənzim etmə reactor control; nüvə ~u nucler reactor
I. i. (ispan sikkəsi) real II. s. 1. real, actual; ~ gəlir real income; ~ əmək haqqı real wages pl.; ~ vəziyyət the actual state of affairs; 2
i. realist
z. realistically
s. realistic(al); incəsənətdə ~ istiqamət realistic trend in art
i. realization; ~ etmək to realize (d.); ~ olunmaq / edilmək to be* realized; ~ etdirmək to ask / to cause s
i. realism; sosialist ~i socialist realism; tənqidi ~ critical realism
fi. being realized
f. to be* realized
fi. realization
f. to realize (d.); planı ~ to realize a plan; öz ambisiyalarını ~ to realize one’s ambitions
i. reality; obyektiv ~ fəls. objective reality
i. rebus
I. i. 1. (bina) editorial office; 2. (işi) editorship; ~sı ilə / altında edited (by); ilk ~ first / original wording II
i. editing; ~ etmək to edit (d.), to word (d.); əlyazmasını ~ etmək to edit a manuscript; ~si altında under the editorship (of)
i. editor; baş ~ editor-in-chief; məsul ~ managing editor; ~ olmaq to be* editor (of); şöbə / bölmə / ~u sub-editor
i. editorship
i. reduction
i. tex. reduction gear, reducer
i. 1. (qısa məzmun) abstract, synopsis, 2. (məruzə) paper, essay
s. abstract; ~ jurnal abstract journal / bulletin
i. siya. referendum (pl. -s, həm də -da); ~ keçirmək to hold* a referendum (on)
i. reader, reviewer; reader of a paper
i. fiziol. reflex; şərti ~ conditional reflex; şərtsiz ~ unconditional reflex
i. reflexion
i. reflexology, study of reflexes
s. reflexological
i. reflexologist
s. (i.s.) without reflex, (i.s.) having no reflex
i. the state of being without reflex