s. stereotype; ~ nəşr poliqr. stereotype edition; ~ baxış stereotype view
i. bax sterilizə
i. sterilizer, sterilizing machine
i. sterilization; ~ etmək to sterilize (d.)
i. sterling; funt ~ pound sterling
s. stylistic; ~ səhv error of style; ~ priyom stylistic device
i. stylistics, the science of style
i. teddy boy
i. stimulus (pl. -li)
f. to be* stimulated
f. to stimulate (d.)
f. to get* / to become* stimulated
i. stimulator; biol. stimulant
i. 1. table; yazı ~u writing-table, desk; ~ arxasında at table; ~ açmaq (süfrə açmaq) to lay* the table; ~ yığışdırmaq to clear the table; 2
s. bax vəzifəpərəst
i. bax vəzifəpərəstlik
s. 1. table; desk; ~ lampa desk-lamp; reading-lamp; ~ oyunlar; table-games; ~ tennis table tennis; ping-pong; 2
i. tib. stomatitis
i. stomatology
i. dentist
i. strategy; strategics pl
s. strategic(al); ~ atom silahı strategic atomics; ~ xammal strategic (raw) material / goods, ~ vacib ərazi / rayon hərb
i. strategist
I. i. structure; xalq təsərrüfatının ~u national economy pattern II. s. structural; ~ dilçilik structural linguistics
i. dilç. structuralism, structural science
i. studio; d.d. workshop
i. 1. chair; yumşaq ~ padded chair; açılıb-yığılan ~ folding chair; 2. (tibbi) stool
i. stewardess
I. i. 1. water; yağış ~yu rain-water; təzə ~ fresh water; şirin ~ sweet water; mineral ~ mineral water; dəniz ~yu sea-water; ağır ~ kim
su-elektrik (stansiyası) i. hydroelectric power station
I. i. question; problem; issue; ~ vermək to ask / to put* a question; mübahisəli ~ vexed / moot question; ~ altında olmaq / qalmaq to remain undecided
i. question and answer, interrogation
i. inquirer, questioner
I. s. inquiring, questioning; (i.s.) of inquiry; ~ nəzər / baxış inquiring glance, questioning look II
s. submarine; ~ kabel submarine cable; ~ qayıq submarine; ~ qaya reef rock ~ bitkilər submarine plants
i. watershed
i. pump-house
i. flood-lands pl.; water meadow
i. dən. displacement; ~ 5000 ton gəmi a ship of 5000 tons displacement
I. i. bachelor, (qoca) old bachelor; unmarried / single man* II. s. unmarried, single; ~ adam unmarried / single man*
f. to become* unmarried / single; to become* a bachelor
i. unmarriedness, singleness
s. water-distributing
i. water-distributor
i. fəls. substance
s. substantive
f. to be* made substantivized
f. to substantivize (d.)
fi. substantivization; sifətin ~si substantivization of the adjective
f. to become* / to get* substantivized