z. bax şeytancasına
i. second-hand market
i. bax şeytanbazar
z. devilishly; cunningly
i. informer; telltale; (məktəbdə) sneak
i. slander, denunciation; (məktəbdə) sneaking; ~ etmək to tell* tales (about), to peach (against, on, upon); to spy; (məktəbdə) to sneak
i. agail, hangnail
f. to be* reported (to on, to d.), informed (d. of) / denounced (d. to)
f. bax şeytanlatmaq
f. to make* smb. report (to on, to d.) / inform (d. of) / spy (on)
i. bax şeytançılıq
i. the eighth month of Moslem chronology
i. mockery; ~ yə qoymaq to jeer (at), to scoff (at), to mock (at)
I. i. 1. net; (dəmiryolunda) network; 2. tracery, ornament, decorative pattern II. s. open-work (ed)
i. designer, ornamentalist
i. trade of ornamentalist
s. lattice, latticed; ~ pəncərə lattice window
i. hen-blindness
i. bax şeh I
s. bax şehli
I. i. geneology, family tree II. s. geneological; ailə ~ si geneological tree, family tree
i. bead, seed-pearls
i. healing, recovery; ~ vermək to heal (d.), to cure (d.); ~ tapmaq to heal, to be* healed, to recover
s. medicinal, healing, lifegiving; ~ əllər life-giving / curious hands
s. 1. healing; ~ su healing water; 2. medicinal; (iqlim, hava) healthy; ~ iqlim healthy climate; ~ vasitə medicinal / health-giving remedy; ~ ot (bitk
i. 1. glow, lustre; brilliance, brilliancy; 2. radiance; səhər ~i daybreak, dawn; axşam ~i evening-glow; şimal ~i northern lights pl
f. to cause to become bright(er) / to lighten up (d.)
f. to shine*, to light* up (with)
I. s. brilliant, blazing, shining; glittering, twinkling II. z. brightly, brilliantly; strikingly
s. bax şəfəqli I
I. s. transparent, limpid; ~ hovuz limpid pool; ~ su limpid water; ~ şüşə transparent glass II. z. transparently, limpidly
f. to make* (d.) limpid, to cause (d.) to become limpid / transparent
f. to be* / to become* transparent
i. transparence, transparency, limpidity
I. i. mercy, sympathy; compassion, pity II. s.: ~ bacısı nurse
s. merciful, charitable, compassionate; ~ əllər life-giving hands
I. i. evidence; ~ etmək to evidence (d.), to witness (d.), to testify (to); (əksinə) to testify (against) II
I. i. (kiçik) town, (iri) city; paytaxt ~ capital (city); əyalət ~i provincial town; baş / əsas ~ chief town; ~ və kənd town and country; ~dən getmək
z. town by town, city by city
i. small town, settlement
s. suburban; local; ~ qatar local train; ~ hərəkət (nəqliyyat) local traffic / service; ~ küçələr suburban streets
s. bax şəhərətrafı
s. intertown, interurban; ~ telefon trunk-line; ~ avtobus marşrutu (xətti) interurban bus service; ~ yol interurban road
i. (kişi) townsman*; (qadın) townswoman*; towndweller, city-dweller; ~lər townspeople, townsfolk
i. town-building
s. like a town / a city, as a town / a city
i. martyr for faith / belief; dead man* for faith / belief; ~ olmaq to fall* / to be* killed for a righteous cause; to be* killed for faith / belief;
i. martyrdom
s. blue, dark-blue; ~ gözlər blue / darkblue eyes
s. erotic, voluptuous; ~ hisslər erotic / voluptuous feelings