f. to become* artificial
i. artificiality, artificialness; affectedness
i. ritual circumcision; ~ etmək to circumcise; ~ olunmaq to be* circumcised
s. circumcised
s. uncircumcised
i. din. sunnite
i. the state of being sunnite
f. to be* made artificial
i. broom; Təzə süpürgə təmiz süpürür at. söz.A new broom sweeps clean; ~ çəkmək bax 1) süpürmək; 2) məc
i. 1. sweeper, cleaner; charwoman*; (idarədə) office-cleaner; 2. broom maker
i. 1. the occupation of a cleaner / sweeper; 2. the job of a broom maker
f. bax süpürmək
f. bax süpürülmək
f. bax süpürgələtmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to sweep (d.)
i. brownie, house-spite, goblin, hobgoblin
f. 1. to grapple (d.); to snatch (d.); 2. d.d. (acgözlüklə yemək) to eat* greedily (d.)
f. to grapple with each other; düşmənlə ~ to grapple with an enemy
f. to sweep* (d.); otağı ~ to sweep* the room; Külək yarpaqları süpürüb apardı The wind swept the leaves away
f. to be* swept
i. sweepings pl
f. bax süpürləşmək
i. 1. very thin meat, meat having no fat at all; 2. məc. a very thin animal
i. rail; (pilləkəndə) hand-rail; (daxili pilləkəndə) banisters pl
s. bax sürüşkən
f. bax sürüşdürmək
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to drive (d.); 2. (sürgün etdirmək) to cause smb. to exile (d.)
f. to be* exiled
i. 1. duration; 2. chase; ~ edən beater; ~ etmək to beat* (d.)
i. beater
s. lasting, prolonged; ~ alqış prolonged applause
i. duration, prolongation
s. short, brief, not prolonged, transitory
i. the state of being transitory
i. speed, rate; fiz. velocity; maksimal ~ top speed; dəyişkən ~ variable speed; ~ yığmaq to gather / to pick up speed; saatda 100 km ~lə at a speed of
z. quickly, speedily; fast, rapidly, with speed; ~ getmək to walk / to go* quickly / fast; (maşınla) to drive* fast / with speed
I. i. tex. accelerator II. s. accelerating, accelerative
f. to be* accelerated, to be* increased in speed, to be* caused to move fast
f. to speed* up (d.), to expedite (d.); tex. to accelerate (d.); to quicken (d.); addımlarını ~ to speed one’s pace, to quicken one’s steps; hərəkəti
f. to quicken; to pick up speed; Qatar sürətləndi The train picked up speed
s. speedy, fast, quick, rapid; ~ addım quick step; ~ uçuş fast flying; ~ axın rapid / swift current; ~ at a fast / swift horse; ~ maşın a fast car
i. speediness; quikness, rapidity
i. speedometer
s. speedless, slow, (i.s.) without a speed / a rate
z. slowly, at a low speed
i. slowness
i. zool. larva (pl. -vae)
i. bolt; (qapıda) door-bolt; (pəncərədə) window bolt; tex. slide valve
i. exile, banishment; deportation; ~də in exile; ~də yaşamaq to live in exile; ~də olmaq to be* in exile; ~ etmək to send* into exile (d