s. permanent, continuous; unbroken, uninterrupted; ~ kəsr riyaz. continued fraction
i. silhouette
i. 1. string; ~ çəkmək to string; 2. wire, lead; telefon ~i telephone wire; açıq ~ blank wire; 3. tib
i. 1. face, image; 2. personality
s. faceless; (i.s.) without a distinctive personality; (i.s.) without individuality; ~ adamlar faceless people
f. to be* made faceless
f. to make* faceless (d.), to cause to become faceless (d.)
f. to become* faceless
i. the quality of being faceless
s. symphony; symphonic; ~ orkestr symphony orchestra; ~ musiqi symphonic music; ~ konsert symphony concert
i. symphony
I. i. bax xəsis I II. s. bax xəsis II
f. bax xəsisləşmək
i. bax xəsislik
f. 1. to string* (d.); 2. to have* blood poisoning / elm. toxaemia
f. 1. to be* strung; 2. to be* blood poisoned
f. bax simlətmək
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to string (d.); 2. to cause to become blood poisoned
s. 1. stringed; string; ~ alət stringed instrument; ~ orkestr string orchestra; 2. blood poisoned, (i
s. symmetric(al)
i. symmetry; riyazi ~ mathematical symmetry
i. symmetry
i. sympathy, liking (for); bir kəsə ~ bəsləmək to cherish kindly feelings (for); to be* in sympathy (with), to sympathize (with); ~ bəsləməmək to be*
i. symposium (pl.: -ums, -sia)
i. symptom
s. symptomatic
i. tib. symptomatology
i. distant relative; ~ olmaq to be* a distant relative
i. the state of being a distant relative
s. (i.s.) without string; stringless; (i.s.) without wire, wireless
i. the state of being without string, the state of having no string
i. bax qızıl I
i. symbol; riyazi ~lar mathematical symbols; Boz qurd türklərin simvoludur The grey wolf is the symbol of the Turks
s. symbolical
f. to symbolize (d.)
f. to be* / to become* symbolized
i. symbolism
i. breast, chest; geniş / meydan ~ broad chest; bir kəsi ~sinə basmaq to strain smb. to one’s breast; O, uşağı sinəsinə basdı He / She pressed the chi
z. bending; ~ getmək to go* bending
i. much sorrow / pain / trouble; ~ çəkmək to give* much pain / trouble (to); (özü) to have* much trouble (in one’s life)
z. by heart; by rote; ~ bilmək to know* by heart (d.), to know* from memory (d.); dərsini ~ öyrənmək to learn* one’s lessons by rote
s. class; ~mübarizə class struggle; ~ düşmən class enemy; ~ fərqlər class differences / distinctions; ~ tərkib class composition; ~ ziddiyyətlər condr
s. synchronous, simultaneous; ~ tərcümə simultaneous interpeting
s. synchronistic(al)
i. bax sinxronizm
i. synchronism
i. a tray (made of copper)
I. i. 1. (ictimai qrup) class; fəhlə sinfi the working class; hakim ~ ruling class; antaqonist ~lər antagonistic / opposing classes; 2
s. bax sinifdənkənar
s. in out-of-school hours; extracurricular; ~ oxu reading in out-ofschool hours, home reading