f. 1. to be* placed / accommodated; 2. (yük) to be* stowed; 3. (ordu) to be* quartered / billeted; Əsgərlər yerləşdirildi The soldiers were billeted;
f. 1. to place (d.), to put* in order (d.), to accommodate (d.); 2. (yükü) to stow (d.); 3. (əsgərləri evlərdə) to quarter (d
f. 1. to settle; to make* oneself comfortable; 2. to be* situated / located; Təzə məktəb bu küçədə yerləşir The new school is situated in this street;
I. i. (fellow-) countryman*; (bir şəhərli) fellow townsman*; (bir kəndli) fellow-villager II. s. 1. local; ~ dialekt local dialect; ~ vaxt local time;
z. d.d. 1. completely, perfectly; entirely; wholely; 2. flatly, point-blank; ~ imtina etmək / boyun qaçırmaq to refuse point-blank
z. 1. by the root; ~ qoparmaq to tear* up by the root (d.), to uproot (d.), to root out (d.); 2. bax yerli-dibli
z. thoroughly, in detail, at (great) length; əhvalatı ~ danışmaq to detail the story; bir işi ~ görmək to do* smth
z. bax yerli-yataqlı
z. out of place, irrelevant, not to the point, in season and out of season; bir şeyi ~ demək to say* smth
i. localistic tendencies pl
f. to become* aboriginal
i. friendly association (of people from the same area); localistic tendencies pl
i. bax yerliçilik
i. one who is loyal to localistic tendencies
i. land surveyor
i. bot. bax xiyar
i. fee for a place (in the market, parking, etc.)
I. s. 1. homeless; 2. landless; ~ kəndli landless peasant; 3. misplaced, irrelevant, untimely, out of place, tactless; ~ sözlər misplaced words; ~ ira
I. s. bax yersiz I (3-cü mənada) II. z. bax yersiz II
s. homeless, shelterless, (i.s.) without a roof over one’s head
i. 1. lack of (arable) land; 2. lack of place / room; 3. irrelevancy, irrelevance
i. specialist on physical geography
i. physical geography
i. earthquake
s. surface (attr.); (i.s.) above ground; overhead; ~ su surface water; ~ dəmir yolu overhead railway
əv. everyone, anyone
z. enough, It’s enough, That’ll do
i. quorum; Yetərsay yoxdur There is no quorum; ~ı təmin etmək to secure a quorum
i. knowledge; possession of information
I. i. orphan; ~ qalmaq to become* an orphan; ~ olmaq to be* an orphan; O beş yaşında yetim qaldı He / She became an orphan when he / she was five year
top.i. orphans; unfortunate people; the poor
i. poor thing
i. d.d. 1. poor thing; 2. unfortunate wretch
i. orphanhood
i. orphanage
f. to become* orphan; to lose* one’s parent(s)
i. orphanage, orphanhood
f. 1. (məktubu və s.) to deliver (d.); məktub ~ to deliver a letter / message; Məndən ona salam yetirin Give him / her my best regards; 2
f. 1. (bitki) to be* cultivated; 2. (kadr və s.) to be* trained, to be* prepared; 3. (heyvan haq.) to be* breeded, to be* raised / reared
f. 1. (uşaq haq.) to rear (d.), to bring* up (d.); 2. (heyvan haq.) to breed* (d.), to raise (d.), to rear (d
fi. ripening; həm də məc. maturing; cinsi ~ pubescence
f. 1. (dəymək meyvə və s. haq.) to ripen, to become* ripe; həm də məc. to mature, to come* to maturity; Taxıl günəşdə yetişir The corn ripens in the s
s. (həm müst., həm də məc.) unripe; immature; green; ~ meyvə unripe / green / immature fruit
s. ripe; mature; ~ alma ripe apple; ~ taxıl ripe corn; ~ pendir ripe cheese; ~ şərab ripe wine; ~ məsələ mature question / matter; Beş ildən sonra şər
s. ripe, mature; ~ meyvə ripe / mature fruit; ~ yaş mature age; ~ cəmiyyət mature society; ~ alim ripe scholar
f. to make* (d.) ripen / matured; to cause (d.) to become ripened / matured
fi. ripening, maturing; cinsi ~ pubescence
f. to ripen, to grow* ripe, to mature; Alma yetkinləşir Apples are ripening; Qız yetkinləşir The girl is maturing
I. i. ripenness, maturity; cinsi ~ puberty II. s. mature, ripe; ~ yaşı mature age; ~ illəri the years of maturity
f. 1. to get* to a place, to reach a place; to get* (to), to reach (d.); evə ~ to get* / to reach home; 2