i. humoristics
s. bax yumoristik
s. 1. round; ~ yanaqlar round cheeks; ~ qollar round arms; top kimi ~ as round as a ball; 2. plump, pudgy; ~ uşaq a plump baby; ~ adam a pudgy man*
s. round; round-round; ~ daşlar round stones
s. round-headed; (i.s.) with a round head
s. bax yumrubaş
s. quite round, just round
i. fist; yumruğunu sıxmaq to clench one’s fist; yumruğunu işə salmaq to use one’s fists; yumruğunu silkələmək to shake* one’s fist (at)
i. məc. fistcuff; ~ açmaq, ~na çıxmaq to come* to fistcuffs
f. to fist (d.), to punch (d.); bir kəsi ~ to punch smb. (on, in); stolu ~ to bring* one’s fist down the table
f. to be* fisted / punched
f. to punch / to fist each other, to fight* using fists
f. bax yumruqlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to fist (d.) / to punch (d.)
f. 1. to make* round (d.); to roll (d.); xəritəni ~ to roll the map; 2. (əzib yumrulamaq) to crumple up (d
f. to get* / to become* rounded
f. bax yumrulanmaq
f. bax yumrulatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to make round (d.)
i. roundness, sphericity
s. round-faced, chubby
s. bax yumrusifət
s. ball-shaped; spheric(al)
i. sphericity; the state of being ball-shaped
s. round-cheeked
s. bax yumruyanaq
I. s. 1. soft; mild; friable ~ çarpayı soft bed; ~ ürək soft heart; ~ hava soft / mild weather; ~ səs soft sound; ~ çörək fresh bread; ~ vaqon soft-se
z. flabby; Siz kök deyilsiniz, amma yumşaqbədənsiniz You are not fat but you are flabby
s. bax yumrubədən
i. flabbiness
s. quite soft, very / too soft
s. soft-skinned
s. soft-hearted, kind-hearted
s. bax yumşaqxasiyyət
i. soft-heartedness, kindness, goodness
i. 1. softness; məc. gentleness, mildness; 2. friability
z. softly; gently, mildly
s. soft-haired
s. bax yumşaqtük
s. bax yumşaqürək
i. soft-heartedness, kindheartedness
f. 1. to be* softened; to become* soft; 2. (torpaq) to be* loosened, to be* made light; (toxa ilə) to be* hoed
f. 1. to soften, to become* soft; to grow* softer; 2. (adam haq.) to relent; Əvvəlcə o bizim hamımızı işdən qovacağı ilə hədələdi, lakin bir az sonra
f. 1. to ask / to cause to soften (d.); 2. (torpağı) to ask / to cause to loosen (d.); (toxa ilə) to ask / to cause smb
f. 1. to soften (d.); to make* softer (d.); 2. (sakitləşdirmək) to mollify (d.), to calm down (d.); bir kəsi ~ to mollify smb
f. to close; Mənim gözlərim yorğunluqdan yumulur I am so tired I cannot keep my eyes open; Onun gözləri yumuldu His / Her eyes (were) closed; Yara yum
s. closed; ~ gözlər closed eyes
f. bax yumrulamaq