f. bax yatızdırılmaq
f. 1. (qiyam, üsyan və s.) to be* suppressed / repressed; Qiyam yatırıldı The revolt was suppressed; 2
f. 1. (qiyamı və s.) to suppress (d.), to repress (d.), to put* down (d.); qiyamı ~ to suppress a revolt; hirsini ~ to suppress one’s feeling of anger
f. 1. (uşağı və s.) to ask / to cause smb. to put to bed (d.); 2. (üsyanı, qiyamı və s.) to ask / to cause smb
f. 1. (uşağı və s.) to put* to bed (d.), to lull to sleep (d.); uşağı ~ to put* a child* to bed; Qatarın hərəkəti məni yatırtdı The movement of the tr
i. lying
f. 1. to lie* down all together; 2. to sleep* all together
f. 1. to be* put / to be* sent to bed; 2. (üsyan, qiyam və s.) to be* repressed / put down
f. 1. to put* / to send* to bed; 2. (inqilabı, üsyanı və s.) to suppress (d.), to repress (d.); to quell (d
f. 1. to sleep*; to slumber; bərk ~ to sleep* soundly; sakit ~ to sleep* easily, to sleep* a peaceful sleep; sayıq ~ to sleep* with one eye open; gec
s. (i.s.) fit / suitable for sleeping; ~ vaxt time suitable for sleeping; ~ yer place fit / suitable for sleeping
s. sleeping; ~ uşaq sleeping child*
I. i. profligate, libertine, debauchee II. s. 1. lecherous, debauched, profligate, dissolute; 2. evil, unfit, dissipated, indecent, unseemly; ~ sözlər
z.: ~ danışmaq to speak* indecently / unseemly
s. fool-mouthed, intemperate, incontent; (i.s.) having an uncontrollable tongue
i. dissipation, unseemliness, indecency; ~ etmək to act / to behave dissolutely / indecently
s. plain, dry (food), without fat / oil; tasteless, insipid, lean; ~ ət lean meat; ~ pendir dry cheese
i. 1. insipidity, insipidness; fatless; the quality of being without fat; 2. dairy produce; all that is eaten with bread; ~sız qalmaq to have* no dair
i. the state of being without dairy produce
I. s. slow, low, unhurried; ~ sürət slow speed; ~ səs low voice II. z. slowly; gently; ~ danışmaq to talk in a low voice; ~ yerimək to walk slowly, to
z. 1. slowly, little by little, bit by bit, gradually; unhurriedly; ~ öyrənmək to learn* step by step; 2
z. slowly, quietly, gently; softly; qapını ~ döymək to knock at the door gently; ~ demək to say* gently / in a whisper; ~ yerimək to walk slowly
z. bax yavaş-yavaş
z. noiselessly, in a low voice; in a whisper; ~ soruşmaq to ask in a low voice / in a whisper; ~ inildəmək to moan in a low voice
z. bax yavaşca
z. in a low voice; in a whisper; ~ danışmaq to talk in a low voice; ~ cavab vermək to answer in a low voice / in a whisper / under one’s breath
f. to be* slowed down, to become* slower
f. to slow, to become* / to get* slower, to slacken; Sürət yavaşıdı The speed slackened
f. 1. to slow down (d.), to slacken (d.); addımları ~ to slow down / to slacken the pace, to walk slower; sürəti ~ to slacken the speed; 2
i. sluggishness, slowness
s. sluggish, slow-moving; ~ adam slowcoach, laggard
i. aide-de-camp; adjutant; amer. aide
i. adjutancy
i. bax bala
i. bax yavrucuq
i. (müraciət məqamında işlədilir) my darling, my little one
I. i. summer; qızmar / isti ~ hot summer; ~da in summer; gələn ~ next summer; keçən / ötən ~ last summer; Yay gəlib Summer has come II
z. summer and winter; all the year round, the whole year
i. bow and arrow
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to roll (out d.); xəmir ~ to ask / to cause smb. to roll out dough / paste; 2
f. bax yaydırmaq
I. s. diffuse; diffused; ~ işıq diffuse / diffused light; ~ nitq a diffuse speech II. z. diffusely; indistinctly, vaguely
f. to be* diffused
f. to diffuse (d.)
f. to become* / to get* diffused
i. 1. diffuseness, diffusiveness; 2. məc. indistinctness, vagueness
z.: ~ yerimək to waddle
f. 1. to stretch oneself out, to sprawl, to lounge; Odivanda yayxanmışdı He / She was sprawling on the sofa; 2
i. roller, rolling-mill operator
fi. 1. spreading, diffusion; 2. (fikir və s.) dissemination; şayiələrin ~sı spreading of rumours; infeksiyanın ~sı spreading of infection; biliyin ~sı