s. bax xoşagələn
s. unpleasant, disagreeable; ~ adam unpleasant man*
xoşahəng(li) s. harmonious; (səsə aid) melodious; mellifluent, mellifluous
i. melodiousness, tunefulness, harmony
s. (i.s.) possessing / having fine / pleasant voice
s. melodious; ~ səs melodious voice
i. bax xoşahənglilik
s. happy; lucky; ~ təsadüf lucky chance; ~ adam happy man*; O, xoşbəxtdir He / She is happy
i. 1. happiness; 2. luck, good fortune; ~ arzu etmək to wish good luck (to)
ara s. fortunately, luckily
s. 1. merry, gay, lively; jolly, kind d.d. cheery; ~ oğlan cheerful / jovial fellow; ~ qızcığaz jolly little girl; 2
s. bax xoşdil
i. gayness, gaiety; joviality, kindness
s. 1. complaisant, obliging; 2. gay, glad, happy
s. bax xoşəhval
s. bax xoşəxalq
s. well-behaved, orderly
I. i. just / righteous man* II. s. pious, religious; righteous; ~ adam a righteous man*; Xoşəməl adamlar cənnətə gedəcəklər The righteous shall go to
i. piousness, righteousness
s. nice-looking, pleasant to look at, gratifying to the eye, (i.s.) having attractive appearance
s. light-hearted, careless; (həyatda) care-free, untroubled; ~ həyat untroubled life
s. cheerful, lively, jolly d.d.; ~ oğlan cheerful / jovial fellow; O, yaman xoşhaldır He is in a merry mood, He is in high spirits
f. 1. to be* pleased / satisfied; to enjoy oneself; to take* pleasure / delight; 2. to be* glad / happy; to be* cheerful
i. 1. gladness, cheerfulness; 2. gaiety; (xarakter haq.) joviality, liveliness, hilarity
z. voluntarily, of one’s own free will, willingly, hilariously
s. well-behaved, orderly, wellmannered
i. one who brings good / pleasant news
s. eloquent
s. slender; ~ qız / qadın a slender girl / woman*
s. bax xoşqamət
s. carrier of happiness / fortune
s. bax xoşqədəm
f. to like (d.), to enjoy (d.); to be* fond (of); O, onun oxumasını xoşlayır She / He likes her / him to sing: O, qarın yağmasını xoşlayır He / She li
f. to give* pleasure (to), to entertain (d.), to amuse (d.)
f. 1. to admire, to enjoy; 2. to be* satisfied / pleased, to enjoy oneself
s. smooth-tongued, smooth-spoken
i. niceness, pleasantness; agreeability
z. d.d. of one’s own free will
s. goodwill; ~ oyunlar goodwill games
s. good-natured; ~ adam a goodnatured man* / person
s. tasty, palatable, savoury; ~ yemək tasty / savoury / palatable dish
s. well-wishing, loyal, well-disposed, benevolent, kindly disposed; ~ qəbul kind / friendly welcome / reception
s. bax xoşniyyət
i. loyalty, benevolence
s. 1. satisfied (with), content (with), pleased (with); 2. merry, gay, lively; 3. glad, joyful; ~ xəbər glad / happy news; glad / happy tidings
i. gladness, joy; ~dan özünü hiss etməmək to be* beside oneself with joy; ~dan ağlamaq to cry / to weep* for / with joy
s. pleasant, well-mannered, urban; sociable, amiable, affable; ~ xasiyyət sociable / amiable disposition; ~ adam a good mixer
s. bax xoşrəftar
i. affability, amiability, sociability