i. zoologist
i. pet-shop
i. zoological gardens pl.; d.d. Zoo
i. animal technician, live-stock expert / specialist
i. zootechnics, animal science
s. zootechnical; animal-research; ~ institut animal-research institute
i. d.d. club, bludgeon, cudgel; polis ~sı baton, truncheon
f. to club (d.), to bludgeon (d.), to cudgel (d.), (polis zopası ilə) to baton (d.)
f. to be* clubbed / bludgeoned; (polis zopası ilə) to be* batoned
i. zopu / zoppo (an ancient folk dance); ~ya getmək / çıxmaq to dance zopoo / zopu
I. i. force, vigor; violence; might, strength; ~ ilə: 1) (güc vasitəsilə) by force, by means of force; 2) (var qüvvəsi ilə) with all one’s might / str
s. forcible, forced; violent; coercive; ~ adam a violater, violator; ~ idarəetmə government by force; ~ metod / üsul forcible / coercive method; ~ çev
I. i. violence, act of violence; coercion; ~ etmək / işlətmək to use force II. s. forcible, violent; ~ vasitəsi violent means, means of violence; ~ üs
z. forcibly, forcefully, with violence; (məcburiyyətlə) coercively; ~ qarət etmək / çapıb-talamaq to rob / plunder with violence; ~ idarə etmək to gov
s. 1. (yekəpər, cantaraq) stalwart, hefty; wellgrown; ~ adam a stalwart person, a stalwart; ~ oğlan a hefty / wellgrown fellow / chap; (tosqun) gross;
f. 1. (yekəpərləşmək) to grow* / to become* stalwart / hefty; 2. (tosqunlaşmaq) to become* gross; 3. (çox böyümək) to grow* / to become* very big / en
i. 1. (yekəpərlik) stalwartness; (tosqunluq) grossness; 2. (çox yekəlik, irilik) bigness; enormousness
z. 1. by force, forcibly, with violence; (məcburiyyətlə) coercively, under constraint / compulsion; 2
z. forcibly, forcefully, by force, forcedly; coercively
f. 1. to force (d.), to coerce (d.); 2. (qızı, qadını) to rape (d.), to commit rape, to ravish (d.); (qanunu) to violate (d
s. bax güclü
i. bax güclülük
i. 1. astr. Venus; 2. məc. (məhəbbət ilahəsi) Venus
s. tib. venereal; ~ xəstə venereal patient; ~ xəstəlik venereal disease
i. a head cold, cold in the head; snuffles / sniffles pl.; elm. coryza; ~ olmaq to catch* a cold (in the head)
i. husband
i. wife
i. 1. (estetik duyğu) taste; bədii ~ artistic taste; incə ~ exquisite taste; musiqi ~ü a taste for music; ~ə görə to the taste; öz ~ünə görə / uyğun,
i. pleasure, delight; enjoyment
z. tastefully, blissfully; ~ geyinmək to dress tastefully
s.: tasteful, blissful; showing good taste; ~ adam a tasteful man; a man of taste
s. (i.s.) showing bad taste; tasteless
i. tastelessness; lack / want of taste; bad taste, blissfulness
i. zool. aurochs
i. tex. 1. (cihaz) buzzer; 2. (telefonda) buzz
i. zourna (a sort of flute), pipe; (oyuncaq) kazoo; ◊ ~ bağlamaq (bir kəsə) idiom. ◊ to asperse (d.), to back-bite (d
i. zourna player
i. the profession of a zourna player
i. appearance; (kabus və s.) apparition; ~ etmək to appear; ~ olmaq to appear, to make* one’s appearance; ~a çıxmaq to appear, to emerge, to come* int
i. biol., kim., albumen, protein
s. biol., kim. albuminous
i. (saç) hair; (bir qom) lock; (qıvrım) curl, ringlet
i. oppression, tyranny; (əsarət) yoke; (haqsızlıq) injustice; ~ ilə by force, forcibly; ~ altında yaşamaq to live under tyranny; ~ altında inləmək to
I. i. 1. dark, darkness; gloom; gecənin ~ində under the cover of night; 2. məc. (cəhalət) ignorance II
s. dark; gloomy; ~ gecə a very dark night
I. i. oppressor, tyrant, tyrannizer, despot II. s. oppressive, tyrannic(al), despotic(al)
z. oppressively, tyrannically, despotically
i. oppressiveness, tyranny, despotism; ~ etmək to oppress (d.), to tyrannize (d.)
z.: ~ ağlamaq to cry / to weep* bitterly
i. group, class; company; kübarlar ~si class of aristocrats; məmurlar ~si group of officials