z. backwards; ~ yerimək to walk back wards; ~ çəkilmək to move backwards
z. back; backwards; ~ addım atmaq to make* a step back / backwards; ~ oturmaq to sit* back; Dala durun! Stand back! ~ salmaq to keep* back; ~ baxmaq t
I. i. anat. spleen II. s. anat. splenic, splenetic; ~ soyuqlaması tib. Splenitis
f. 1. to sting*; bir kəsin əlini ~ to sting smb.’s hand; 2. məc. to bite* (d.); it kimi ~ to bite* as a dog
i. blind alley, side-street
i. yard-keeper; amer. janitor
i. the job of a yard-keeper; ~ etmək to be* a yard-keeper, to work as a yard-keeper / janitor
f. 1. to be* stung; 2. to be* bitten (by a mad / rabid dog)
f. 1. to cause smb. to quarrel; to set* at variance; köhnə dostları ~ to cause old friends to quarrel, to start a quarrel between old friends; 2
I. i. bax davakar II. s. bax davakar
i. bax davakarlıq
f. 1. to fight (d. with); Uşaqlar dalaşırlar The children are fighting; 2. (mübahisə etmək) to quarrel (with), to fall* out (with); (söyüşmək) to swea
f. bax dalatmaq
f. 1. to cause to be stung; 2. to cause to be bitten (by a mad / rabid dog)
s. stinging, biting
i. the quality of being stung
z. running, in succession; one after the other, iki gün ~ two days running; yeddi saat ~ seven hours in succession, seven hours running; Onlar dalbada
I. i. shelter, refuge; taxta ~ a wooden shelter; Biz harada dalda tapa bilərik? Where can we find refuge? II
z. now here, now there, here, there and everywhere; ~ qeybət etmək to gossip now here, now there
f. to shelter (d.), to give* shelter; (gizləmək) hide* (d.); (saxlamaq) to lay* up (d.), to put* aside (d
i. 1. shelter, refuge; asylum; ~ tapmaq to find* refuge / shelter; ~ axtarmaq to seek* refuge / asylum; 2
f. to shelter (d.), to refuge (d.); (cinayətkarı) to conceal (d.), to harbour (d.)
f. to find* / to take* shelter; (düşməndən) to take* cover
f. bax daldalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to shelter (d.) / to refuge (d.); (düşməndən) to ask / to cause smb. to take cover
i. bax daldalanacaq
z. from behind; from the rear; behind; ~ görünüş view from behind, back / rear view; ~ basmaq / itələmək to push / to press from behind; Onlar daldan
z. only afterward(s), later (on); Mən daldan-dala onu tanıdım I recognized her / him only afterwards
i. bax dalda I
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to plunge (d. in, into) / to immerse (d. in); 2. to cause smb. to be lost (in)
i. (müxtəlif mənalarda) wave; güclü / böyük ~ heavy / huge wave; elektromaqnit ~sı electromagnetic waves
z. wave-like, wavily
i. wavelet
i. bax dalğaqıran
i. breakwater
f. to be* waved; to be* flapped
f. to ruffle (d.); to wave (d.); bayrağı ~ to wave a banner / flag; Külək gölü dalğalandırdı The wind ruffled the lake
f. 1. (dəniz və s.) to be* / to get* rough; 2. (bayraq və s.) to flutter, to wave; Bayraq küləkdə dalğalanırdı The flag was fluttering in the wind
f. 1. (dənizi və s.) to cause (d.) to be / to get rough; 2. (bayrağı və s.) to cause (d.) to flutter / to wave
s. wavy; undulating; (dəmir) corrugated; ~ saç wavy hair; ~ xətt wavy / undulating line; ~ dəmir təbəqələr sheets of corrugated iron
i. waviness, undulation; the state of being wavy
i. wave meter
s. waveless; calm
i. the state of being waveless / calm
s. bax dalğavarı
s. wave-like, wavy; undulating, undulated; ~ səth wavy / undulated surface; ~ xətt (sözün altından çəkilən) wavy underlining
i. bax dalğavarılıq