s. leafy, deciduous; leaf-bearing; (i.s.) covered with leaves; ~ ağac leaf bearing tree; ~ ağac meşəsi leaf-bearing / deciduous / leafy forest
i. the state of being in leaf
s. leafless, bare; (i.s.) without leaves; (i.s.) having no leaves; ~ ağac leafless / bare tree
i. the state of being leafless / bare
s. bax yarpaqvarı
s. leaf-shaped, leaflike, like a leaf
i. zool. leaf-eating; ~ həşarət leaf-eating insect
i. bot. mint; su ~ı water-mint; bataqlıq ~zı pennyroyal
i. mint-grove
s. 1. friendless; (i.s.) without friend, (i.s.) having no friend; 2. (i.s.) without lover, having no lover
s. friendless; alone, lonely; (i.s.) without friend, having no friend
i. 1. (qat) tier; (teatrda) circle; birinci ~ first circle; 2. geol. stage, layer
I. i. mourning; dərin ~ deep mourning; ~ tutmaq / saxlamaq to mourn, to be* in mourning; bir kəsə ~ tutmaq to mourn for smb
i. prohibition; ~ etmək to prohibit (d.), to forbid* (d.); ~ olunmaq to be* prohibited / forbidden; Mən ora getməyi sizə yasaq edirəm I forbid you to
f. 1. to smooth (d.); 2. məc. to slur over (d.)
i. flat place on the height
i. arx. esual (an official charge with the arrangement of the state processions)
i. arx. the state of being a esual; rank of esual
I. i. bot. lilac II. s. bot. lilac (attr.); ~ kolu lilac bush
s. (rəng) lilac coloured
i. lilac grove
i. a room / a lodging / an apartment / marquee where a dead man* is mourned over
i. din. yasin (a chapter of the Koran)
s. mourning; ~ olmaq to be* in mourning
i. 1. mumbler, blunderer, clumsy oaf; Ay, yassar! You clumsy oaf!; 2. an ugly person; d.d. fright
s. flat; ~sinə flat chest; ~ dam flat roof
s. flat-head, flat-headed; (i.s.) with flat-head
s. bax yastıbaş
s. flat-nose; (i.s.) with flat-nose; (i.s.) having flat-nose
s. bax yastıburun
I. i. pillow; başını yastığa qoymaq to lay* / to rest the head on a pillow; bir yastığa baş qoymaq to get* married; to have* sex (with) II
i. little / small pillow
i. pillow-case, pillow slip
s. pillow-shaped, pillowlike
f. to flatten (d.); xəmiri ~ to flatten dough
f. to become* flat, to get* flattened
f. bax yastılamaq
f. bax yastılanmaq
f. bax yastılatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to flatten (d.)
i. flatness; plane
z. flat, flatways, flatwise; qılıncı ~ vurmaq to strike* with the flat of the sword
s. flat-face, flat-faced; (i.s.) with flat-face, (i.s.) having flat-face
s. bax yastısifət
I. s. I age; məktəb ~ı school age; orta ~ middle age; səkkiz ~ında at the age of eight; mənim ~ımda of my age Sənin yaşın neçədir? What is your age? A
nid. long live, bravo; Yaşa Azərbaycan! Long live, Azerbaijan!
s. life-asserting, vital; ~ qüvvə lifeasserting / vital force
i. maturity, manhood, virility; aging
f. to live; to be* alive; tək / tənha ~ to live alone / a solitary life; xoşbəxt ~ to live a happy life / happily; şən ~ to live a merry life; öz zəhm
f. to water; Soğan doğrayanda gözlərim yaşarır My eyes water when I cut onions