i. faithlessness, unfaithfulness, infidelity; ~ etmək to become* disloyal / false / unfaithful
z. disloyally, treacherously, falsely
i. death, decease; vaxtsız ~ untimely death / decease; ~ etmək to die, to pass away; qəflətən ~ etmək to die suddenly / unexpectedly
bağ. though, although; Vəhalonki gec idi o işini davam etdirdi Though it was late, he / she went on working
i. unity; nəzəriyyə ilə təcrübənin ~i unity of theory and practice; əksliklərin ~i unity of opposities; baxışların / nöqteyi-nəzərlərin ~i unity of op
i. wildness, savagery; ~ə salmaq / gətirmək to terrify (d.), to horrify (d.); ~ə gəlmək to get* frightened / terrified; ~ə gətirilmək to be* terrified
s. terrifying, frightful, fearful, dreadful; ~ əhvalat a terrifying story; ~ şaxta terrible frost; ~ səs a frightful noise; ~ tufan a fearful storm; ~
i. dreadfulness, fearfulness, frightfulness
I. i. savage, barbarian II. s. wild; (adam) barbaric, savage, barbarian; barbarous; beastly; ~ heyvan wild animal, beast; ~ ördək wild duck; ~ qəbiləl
z. wildly, savagely, barbarously, bestially; beastly; ~ döymək to beat savagely / with savagery
fi. 1. (bitki) running wild; 2. getting savage / wild
f. 1. (bitki) to run* wild; 2. (heyvan) to become* / to grow* wild; 3. (adam, məc.) to become* / to grow* unsociable; to become* brutalized / savage
i. wildness, barbarism, savagery, bestiality; müharibənin ~ləri the savageries of war
s. beast-like; bestial
z. bax vəhşicəsinə
I. i. authority; power; ~i olmaq to have* the authority (+to inf.) II. s. ~ müddəti term of office
s. plenipotentiary; (i.s.) empowering to act for one
i. warrant; power of attorney; bir kəsə ~ vermək to give* power of attorney to smb.; bir şeyi ~ ilə almaq to get* smth
s. (i.s.) without authority / warrant, warrantless
i. 1. advocate; (məhkəmədə) barrister; lawyer; 2. (müdafiəçi) defender; ~ etmək to authorize (d.+to inf
i. 1. profession of barrister; the bar; ~ etmək to be* a practising barrister, to attend the bar; 2. the bar, the legal profession; məc
i. threshing board
s. big-footed; (i.s.) with large feet
i. 1. illegitimate child; 2. məc. swindler, pilferer, filcher
I. i. oats pl. II. s. ~ yarması oatmeal
i. bot. hornbeam
i. hornbeam grove
i. successor to the throne
i. succession to the throne
i. alarm, panic, commotion, rumpus, anxiety; excitement; ~ salmaq to set* up an alarm / anxiety, to arouse alarm, to create a panic, to put* / to set*
fi. yelp, yelping
f. to yelp; İt vəngildədi The dog yelped
f. to cause / force to yelp (d.)
i. yelp; it ~si yelp of a dog
i. k.t. patch; kartof / pambıq ~i a potato / cotton patch
i. 1. habit; ~ qazanmaq to form / to get* / to acquire / to assume a habit; ~ etmək to be* in the habit (of), to be* accustomed (to), to fall* into th
s. (i.s.) with a habit, (i.s.) having a habit (of doing smth.)
s. (i.s.) without habit, unaccustomed (to), habitless
i. lack of habit, the state of being without habit
i. sheet, leaf; müəllif ~i 40000 typographical units; bir ~ kağız a sheet of paper; sonrakı ~lər the following sheets; əlavə ~loose leaf
z. leaf by leaf, sheet by sheet; ~ oxumaq to read* sheet by sheet
i. 1. leaflet; form; sorğu ~si questionnaire; uçot ~si registration form; xəstəlik ~si sick-leave-certificate, medical certificate, sick-list; ~ yayma
f. 1. to turn over the pages (of), to leaf (over / through) (d.); 2. (gözdən keçirmək) to look through (d
f. 1. to be* turned over; 2. (gözdən keçirilmək) to be* looked through
f. bax vərəglətmək
f. to ask / to cause (d.), to turn over the pages / the leaves
I. i. tib. tuberculosis, consumption; ciyər ~i phthisis; pulmonary tuberculosis / consumption; boğaz ~i tuberculosis of the throat II
f. 1. to fall* ill with tuberculosis / (ciyərdən) consumption; to be* taken ill with tuberculosis; 2
f. bax vərəmlətmək
f. 1. infect smb. with tuberculosis / (ciyərdən) consumption; 2. məc. to torment, (d.), to torture (d