f. to be* made safe
f. to make* safe
f. to become* safe
I. i. safety; (ictimai) security; ~də in safety, out of danger; dövlət təhlükəsizliyi State security; şəxsi ~ personal security II
i. distortion, perversion; misrepresentation; ~ etmək to pervert (d.), to distort (d.), to misrepresent (d
i. one who distorts / misrepresents
i. the act of distorting / misrepresenting
s. distorting, perverting
s. distorted, perverted; misrepresented
i. instigation, incitement, setting-on; inspiration; ~ etmək to incite (d. to), to instigate (d. to), to set* on (d
i. instigator; d.d. fire-brand
s. instigating, inciting, encouraging
s. written; ~ formada in written form, in writing
I. i. education; ibtidai ~ primary / elementary education; orta ~ secondary education; ali ~ higher education, university education; ümumi icbari orta
s. educated; ~ adam educated person, person / man* of education
i. the state of being educated; erudition
s. uneducated, unlearned; ignorant
i. lack of education; ignorance
i. 1. (şəhəri və s.) surrender; 2. handing (to), delivery (of to); ~ almaq to take* over (d. from); bir kəsdən işi ~ almaq to take* over smb
i. pseudonym; ədəbi ~ pen-name; (aktyor) stage-name
i. imagination
i. postponement, delay; ~ə salmaq to defer (d.), to postpone (d.); to put* off (d.); to cancel (d.); to adjourn (d
s. pressing, urgent; ~ iş urgent matter; ~ kömək first aid
i. urgency
z. urgently, immediately
i. supposition, conjecture, surmise; guess-work; ~ etmək to guess (d.), to surmise (d.), to conjecture (d
z. approximately, nearly, roughly
I. s. approximate, hypothetical, conjectural, presumable II. z. approximately, presumably, hypothetically
i. approximateness
i. diversion; sabotage, subversive activity
i. saboteur, wrecker
i. subversiveness, the act of sabotage; ~ etmək to commit sabotage
i. loan, advance-money
I. s. 1. odd ~ rəqəmlər odd numbers; 1,3,5,7 və s. tək rəqəmlərdir 1,3,5,7 etc., are odd numbers; həftənin ~ günləri odd days of the week; 2
z. 1. one by one; 2. bax gec-tez
z. bax təkcə II
z. bax yalqız II
z. bax təkbir
s. fəls. monotheistic
i. monotheism
i. sweat-cloth
I. i. evolution II. s. evolutional, evolutionary; ~ nəzəriyyəsi theory of evolution, doctrine of development; ~ etmək to evolve
i. evolutionist
i. evolutionism
i. push; (qatar) jolt, bump, jerk; (zəlzələdə) shock, (earth) tremour; məc. incitement, stimulus (pl
s. one-horse
s. one-oared
s. one-legged
i. (əlçək) mitten
z. independently, without assistance, on one’s own; ~ işləmək to work without assistance, to work on one’s own