i. birth-certificate
i. qram. attribute; ~ etmək 1) to fix (d.), to set* (d.); 2) to prescribe; 3) (işə) to appoint (d.), to assign (to), to nominate (d
i. 1. fixing, setting; 2. (işə) appointment, assignment; 3. (müalicə üçün) prescription; ~ almaq to be* given assignment; müəllim ~ ı teaching appoint
I. i. 1. qram. modifier; Sifətlər və zərflər təyinedicidir Adjectives and adverbs are modifiers; 2. one who sets / fixes II
i. 1. smth. that is fixed / modified; smb. who is appointed / assigned; 2. qram. antecedent
s. defining; ~ əvəzliklər qram. defining pronouns
i. certificate, certification of assignment
i. 1. qram. antecedent, a word which is modified; 2. anything which is fixed / set / appointed; ~ vaxt appointed / fixed time; 3
I. i. aeroplane; plane; aircraft; amer. airplane; bombardmançı ~ bombing aircraft; amer. bomber, bombardment plane; kəşfiyyatçı ~ reconnaissance aircr
i. pilot, flier, airman*; aviator; sınaqçı ~ test-pilot
i. space pilot
I. i. 1. aviation; aeronautics; 2. the profession of a pilot / an aviator II. s. aviation (attr.), aircraft; ~ sənayesi aircraft industry; ~ məktəbi f
i. aircraft construction
i. bax təyyarəçi
I. i. ack-ack gun, anti-aircraft gun II. s. anti-aircraft; ~ top anti-aircraft gun; ~ artilleriya anti-aircraft artillery
i. contrast; contradiction; discrepancy; kapitalizmin ~ları contradictions of capitalism; barışmaz ~lar irreconcilable contradictions; ~ təşkil etmək
s. discrepant, contrasting, contradictory, conflicting; ~ şayiələr discrepant rumours; ~ bəyanat contradictory statement
i. discrepancy, contradictoriness
s. (i.s.) without contrast / contradiction
i. the quality or state of being without contrast
i. appearance; manifestation; display; ~ etmək to appear, to become* apparent, to come* into view, to come* into sight
I. s. new, fresh, latest; ~ il New Year; (təzə ilin birinci günü) New-Year’s day; ~ balıq / yumurta / meyvə və s
s. quite fresh / new; ~ xiyar quite new / fresh cucumber
z. 1. while quite fresh; 2. recently; newly
i. bridegroom; newly married fellow
i. the state of being bridegroom
z. 1. just, just now; O, Moskvadan təzəcə gəlib He has just come from Moscow; 2. hardly / scarcely..
s. newly / freshly made (tea), freshly brewed (tea)
z. anew, again; all over again, once again, once more; ~ tikmək to build* up anew
i. newly married lass / lady
i. the state of being newly married (of a young lady)
i. 1. manure briquette / briquet; 2. d.d. worthless matter
f. to renew (d.); to renovate (d.); to refresh (d.); to make* as good as new (d.)
f. bax təzələmək
f. to be* / to get* renewed, to get* revived
f. bax təzələnmək
f. to cause / to ask smb. to renew (d.)
f. bax təzələtdirmək
s. refreshing, renewing
i. freshness, newness; havanın təzəliyi the freshness of the air
z. bax təzəliklə
z. recently, not long ago; Mən ingiliscə öyrənməyə təzəlikdə başlamışam I have recently begun to learn English
z. newly, freshly; ~ tikilmiş ev a newly built house
i. bow; ~ etmək to make* a bow; ~lə cavab vermək to return smb.’s bow
i. bax yas I
s. bax yaslı
i. ədəb. memoirs
i. memoirist; writer / author of memoirs
i. indemnity; contribution; ~ qoymaq to impose a contribution (on) / indemnity (on); ~ tələb etmək to require an indemnity (from); ~ vermək to indemni