f. bax girdələmək
f. to get* / to become* round
f. bax girdələnmək
f. bax girdələtmək
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to make round (d.)
s. round faced, chubby; ~ uşaq a round faced child*
s. round faced, (i.s.) with round face
s. bax girdəsifət
s. bax girdəsifətli
i. log; billet
f. to pass through (d.), to thrust (d.), to put* in (d.), to push, to make* a push
z. Otaqda girər-girməz o məni gördü As soon as I entered the room, he / she saw me
i. chance, opportunity; occasion; ~ düşmək to have* chance / opportunity; ~yə salmaq to choose* an opportunity, to seek* for chance, to choose* the ri
f. to take* an opportunity, to use every possible chance, to choose the right moment / time
i. bax sancı
s. bax düçar
s. ~ olmaq to tire oneself out, to exhaust oneself; to be* sick (of); ~ etmək to bore (d. with), to exhaust (d
i. hollow, cavity; depression
i. bend, unevenness; (xüs. sümükdə) sinus
s. uneven, sinuous, not flat / smooth / plane
i. (kitabda və s.) preface, introduction; (nitqdə) preamble, opening, introductory remarks pl
f. to set* to work / to do* some action; to push (d.)
f. to set* to do some work (on), to set* about (+ger.), to tackle (d.), to start (+ger.), to begin* (+to inf
f. to follow (d.); to watch (d.), to be* after (d.); ◊ başını ~ 1) to live somehow / in some way / by some means; 2) to spend* one’s time in vain, to
f. 1. to stray, to wander; 2. to live somehow / in some way
f. 1. to enter, to go* in, to come* in; otağa ~ to enter the room, to go* into the room; limana ~ (gəmi) to sail / to steam into the port, to enter th
i. 1. guarantee, deposit; (pul) security; caution (money); ~ qoymaq to leave* as deposit; 2. (adam) hostage; ~ saxlamaq to take* hostage (d
i. canvas, linen; sackcloth
i. guitar
i. guitarist
i. bax gitaraçalan
f. to itch; Onun burnu giyişir His / Her nose itches
f. to ache; to be* sick; Onun qolu gizildəyir His / Her arm aches
f. to cause (d.) to ache, to cause (d.) to be sick
i. pain; stab, pang; kədər ~si pang / stab of sadness
f. to be* hidden, to be* concealed
f. 1. to hide* (d.), to conceal (d.); cinayətkarı ~ to hide* / to conceal a criminal; 2. to keep* back (d
f. to hide* (oneself) (from); Parti zanlar meşədə gizləndilər The guerrillars hid in the forest
i. (a kind of children’s game) hideand-seek; ~ oynamaq to play hide-andseek; məc. to play a shifty game
f. to ask s.o. to hide (d.) / to conceal (d.), to cause s.o. to hide (d.)
f. bax gizləmək
I. s. 1. secret; (sənəd) confidential; ~ əmr secret order; ~ iclas secret meeting; ~ kəbin secret / clandestine marriage; ~ arzu secret / unavowed dre
z. bax gizli III
I. s. bax gizli I II. z. bax gizli II
z. in secret, in an underhand way, secretly; Planlar gizlincə hazırlandı Plans were made in secret / secretly
i. secrecy; intimacy
I. i. stout / fat / corpulent man*; (gənc oğlan) fat boy / fellow II. s. stout, fat, corpulent
i. stoutness, fatness, corpulence, corpulency
i. boast, bragging; (boş danışıq) twaddle; (uydurma) tittle-tattle; ~a basmaq (özü barədə) to boast (of, about), to brag (of, about); Ona inanmayın, g
s. bax gopçu II