bax ağzını Allah yoluna qoymaq
bax ağzını Allah yoluna açmaq
bax ağzı dağıtmaq
bax ağzını ayırıb göyə baxmaq
don’t utter such words to invite gloom (to say smth. cheerful for a change) не каркай (а то накличешь беду)
it’s a good omen / it’s a good sign / it’s for the best / to tell well-meaningly / to say benevolently / to tell favourably к добру (высказываться бла
bax ağzından vurmaq
bax ağzını bağlamaq
to egg someone on / to put someone up to it (to encourage / to incite someone) подзадоривать (подучивать)
bax ağzına atmaq
bax ağzını qıfıllamaq
bax ağzını mismarlamaq
1. bax abrını tökmək; 2. to give it someone hot and strong / to give someone what for / to give someone a good talking-to / to give someone a dressing
1. bax abrını tökmək; 2. bax ağzını ovmaq
(to try) to find smth. out попытаться узнать мнение у кого-либо
1. bax ağzını malalamaq; 2. (susdurmaq) to stop someone’s mouth with fine phrases, flattery, etc. замазывать (замазать) рот (заставлять молчать о чём-
to bite one’s tongue прикусить язык / держать язык за зубами
to tempt someone with smth. соблазнять (вызывать желание, аппетит, страсть)
to avoid giving a general phrase отделаться общими фразами
bax ağzına yiyəlik etmək
to clutter up the language засорить язык
bax ağzını təmiz açmaq
bax ağzını mumlamaq
bax ağzını dağıtmaq
bax bığyağı vermək
1. bax ağzını yığmaq; 2. to call smb. to order призвать к порядку, заставить прекратить сквернословить, болтать
bax ağzını öyrənmək
bax ağzını boza vermək
bax ağzını tutmaq
to silence someone / to gag someone / to make someone to keep a still tongue in one’s head / to stop someone’s mouth зажать рот / связать язык (застав
Hold your jaw! / Stop your jaw! / Shut your trap! / Stuff it up your nose! / Put a sock in it! / Put a sock in it! / Shut your hole! / Shut your gob!
One knows a good thing when (s)he sees it. / Someone knows what’s good for him (her). / One has a good taste
to be unfaithful to one’s wife / Cf. two-time one’s wife / to stretch the rubber малинки отведать (изменить жене с другой женщиной)
it is no concern of yours / it’s none of your business / it’s not his (her) funeral / it is too hard for one / it is too tough for one / it is a hard
A hard nut to crack for you. / It is above your head. Не по Сеньке шапка. / Не по Ерёме колпак (кафтан
a few steps away from someone or smth. / within two paces of someone or smth. / a short distance from smth
a small fry / Amer. small potatoes / a cog in a machine / a small beer / a sparrow fart / not a very big bug / a bug without the “big” / he’ll be a ma
bax ağzına qurd düşüb
someone can’t hold out against / one succumbs to smth. / someone not be able to resist smth. растаять перед кем-либо (не суметь оказать сопротивление,
bax ağzının xörəyi deyil
someone has a long tongue / someone has a long clapper язык без костей (человек, не умеющий давать отчёт за свои слова)
bax ağzını boş saxlamaq
Someone knows a good thing when he (she) sees it. / Someone knows what’s good for him (her). / Someone knows on which side his (her) bread is buttered
bax ağzını təmiz saxlamaq
not hold one’s tongue / to use words lightly / to speak thoughtlessly (irresponsibly) бросаться словами
Don’t be so rash! / Mind what you say! / Mind how you go! / Watch your step! / Take it easy! / Calm down! / Ease off a bit! / Draw it mild! Легче на п
1. (acmaq) one’s mouth is watering / it makes one’s mouth water / one licks one’s chops (to covet smth
1. to tempt someone with smth. соблазнять (вызывать желание, аппетит, страсть); 2. to gaze longingly at someone / to smack one’s lips / Cf
bax Ağzının ləzzətini bilmək.
bax ağzını qaytarmaq